Why six feet? Who decided a six foot leash was the maximum length allowable by law in St Paul? Why not five feet? Seven? What type of fine is there if you exceed the six foot leash length? What if your leash was six and a half foot long. Who is going to inspect this?
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heh. interesting photo; i pass those signs every day and never thought to take a picture of one. but your picture made me laugh.
we use the extenda-leash for one of our dogs, and i can guarantee that, at full extension, it's longer than six feet.
no fines yet...
Maybe the dog cant be over 6ft. You know those weiner dogs are long.
Jim - I've also wondered, what if you own a Great Dane, a six foot leash just isn't going to cut it.
Laurie - see, it's a silly law that will never be enforced. It's pointless to even post a sign about it in my opinion. Now if it read, 'Dogs must be on a leash' and that was it, I could easily agree with this because of the location of this park.
What happens if it's six-and-a-half feet?
What about cats? Three feet?
LOL Who has the tape measure?
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