I didn't take too many Christmas themed photos this year. I was rather busy this last month of 2007. I do have one final Christmas photo to post. When we were putting lights on the Christmas tree, my cat named Ruby, felt he could use the heat of the lights to warm himself. I had plugged the lights into the socket to test them out, set them on the floor and left the room for about a minute. When I returned, the lights had a new occupancy. I even had move the cat off of the lights, but he insisted on using the lights to keep warm. I did see it as a goof photo opportunity, grabbed the camera and here is the result.
Two days left until we close the year 2007. Scary eh?
A wise old cat. Nice photo.
That's great, I love odd light sources like this (just ask my mascot). My friend Karen has a cat that has been living under the tree since she put it up. She now leaves the lights on all day so that Amber has her warm place.
- Mitch
That's soooo cute. And I love how his expression seems to say, "Don't even think about moving me." He looks so stubborn. :)
Here, kitty, kitty. what a great expression!
Cute little guy, seems to enjoy the lights. I wonder wat Ruby will think when the tree is gone.
I don't know what it is about cats and trees, but under the tree also is his favorite place to sleep.
No fool, that Ruby ;-)
(Perhaps you should consider turning on the heat in the house!)
So cuuute !!!! I have a big black cuddling kitty, so I understand them. The photo take out his tenderness. Really great !
I love cats this photo is a classic.
pretty kitty! and the lights add just the extra touch... you have some beautiful night photos here as well, which i really love.
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