Thursday marked the open night of Hockey for the Minnesota Wild. Tonights match up was from the Windy City, Chicago Blackhawks. The Wild were victorious with a 1-0 score. This photo was from this past Saturday's pre-season game. Outside of the Minnesota Science Museum, there sits about a dozen painted dinosaurs. All painted with a different theme. I've seen photos posted of the dino's on the other local photo blogs [
St Paul - Kate,
St Paul - Kate,
St Paul - Carol], but until last Saturday, I had never seen any in person.
My 3 Daily Photo Favorites:
St Paul, Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Joplin, Missouri
They're pretty comical, aren't they?
Last night was opening night for the Nashville Predators, and they won! Unfortunately, we don't know what's going to happen to the team. . . .
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