We had a first hand look at the race car we sponsor. The car is a Chevy Caprice, 355 engine. I was amazed at home much fabrication goes into preparing the car to meet the specs for the type of race it's involved in. The outer shell is original [except for a few crash repairs], but virtually everything else must be removed down to the frame. The less weight, the better. Much of the car is self created to make everything that is left in the car working with each other. There is the obvious safety equipment needed to keep the driver safe, but beyond that, there are no luxuries.
This is my favorite shot of the day. The low angle, the soft focus, and I was under the safety of tarp to keep the rain off of my camera.
My 3 Daily Photo Favorites:
Greenville, South Carolina
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Paderborn, Germany
I was just noticing the nicks in the wheel. It has b een around but looks pretty good.
Oh, the excitement of the vroom, vroom. What fun there is in Elko.
This perspective would be know as a "bob shot" after Barcelona [Bob] who perfected this prespective. Your photo would please Bob ... Did you lay on your stomach to take the photo or shot blind while holding your camera near the ground?
I was able to see exactly what I was taking a photo of, you see, my camera is a Canon A640, the LCD screen is on a pivot arm. It allows me a clear shot from any direction in very comfortable positions. [Google search it for a visual of the LCD screen on the camera]
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