Well....maybe not historic, but someone recently cared enough to leave their mark on the sandstone cliffs that make up the banks that USED to be part of the Mississippi river millions of years ago. These modern hieroglyphics can be found at the base of the Green Stairs that I've recently posted about a few days ago. They are there, just as you step off the last step, look and you will find them.
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This is an interesting photo. And the enlarged view more interesting. These names will give archeologists fits, some day in the distant future, as they try to decipher the language and figure out the reason for so many styles and letters or symbols.
Forgot to thank you for your recent visits to my blog.
Cuneiform? Hireoglyphics? Just everyday St paulinese to the futurists?
Hieroglyphics! I for the life of me, when I wrote the composition, couldn't think of that word. Thanks for stopping by.
You do a good job of photographing your "old" neighborhood. The colours of the cliff really draws one's eyes to the photo. Nice!
Quite decorative! These earth tones are really authentic! Beautiful.
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