February 27, 2007
Word Of The Day: Mosaic
February 26, 2007
Sunday Morning Coffee
February 25, 2007
I'm Not Worth, I'm Not Worthy
Now I do have to complain about something and the people who live in Minnesota. Do you not realize it snows in the winter? Have we forgotten what this area can give us this time of the year? We are not called 'Minne-snow-ta' for nothing.
Friday before any snow really started to hit, I had to make a trip to the grocery store to pick up some night time cough medicine for my children who are battling the flu. I find my one item and head to the cashier to pay. There are at least ten people in the eight or nine lines that were open. I'd never seen the lines this long on a Friday night. One would have thought it was the typical Saturday crowd purchasing a months worth of food. Not so, the weather scarecasters had done their job and everyone was in a panic.
while standing in line with my one item, there was a teacher in front of me. While chatting with her about the absurd lines, she mentioned that several of her studets had called in already and said they would not be coming to class the next morning. Keep in mind, it hadn't started snowing yet but they panicked and thought there would be snow up to their belly buttons by morning. They were wrong, but the weather scarecasters worked their mind altering magic on the young minds.
Lastly, my wife is a nurse and she will be headed into work about two hours early as several of the staff have called to say they would not make it to work because the roads will be bad in the morning. At the time of their call, it had snowed about one inch total. Wouldn't it make more sense to call in after the snow falls to see if it's worth calling in because the roads are bad? Again, the weather scarecasters were successful in scaring the hell out of everyone.
I'm making a plea to all Minnesotans, it snows here during the winter season. Be prepared and for goodness sakes, unless this is your first winter here, you should know how to deal with the snow. This is NOT a warm climate state where they do not have snow plows. We all should know how to deal with this type of weather already. It snowed last year, and the year before, and so on. Unless you're an out of state transplant like Chris and Deb of the Minneapolis Daily Photo, you really don't have an excuse. Although they have lived in Minnesota for 13 years now and I would bet they know how to handle the snow by now.
February 24, 2007
Scare Weather Forcast Says Snow This Weekend
Start forecasting something that is believable and I'll start tuning into your presentation.
Today's photo is of my neighbor clearing his driveway with the snowblower. It was taken well over a month ago when we had a snowstorm that was predicted correctly [they got one correct out of 15 this year]. This morning there was more grass and dirt visible than snow, but there was some freezing precipitation falling the past couple of hours. Perhaps they will be accurate this time....stay turned.
February 23, 2007
Inside The Barn
It should be noted, Williams Arena, where the Golden Gophers play, is the last remaining raised floor for a college team in the country.
February 22, 2007
The Barn
February 20, 2007
We're Number 2!!
If she weighs the same as a duck,... she's made of wood
Maybe your monitor is better than mine, but this small photo makes the roof texture look awkward. Click the photo for a crisper and larger image.
February 19, 2007
A Quick Visit To Prospect Park
February 17, 2007
February 16, 2007
Can I Get A Lift?
February 15, 2007
I'm On The Right
February 14, 2007
The State Of Hockey
February 13, 2007
Good Morning Sunshine
February 12, 2007
Let's Go Back In Time
February 11, 2007
Run To The Hills
February 10, 2007
February's Drive By Shooting
February 9, 2007
February 8, 2007
Round And Round
February 7, 2007
Hit The Lights
February 6, 2007
Our House, In The Middle Of The Cornfield
February 5, 2007
New Website Address For Twin Cities Daily Photo
If you didn't notice, you were redirected to the new site name for Twin Cities Daily Photo. Please update your bookmarks. I'll also be working on a template change that I've been wanting to do for quite some time now.
Not Much Happening At The Park Tonight

This photo was taken a couple weeks ago shortly after our last big snowstorm and before the temperatures dropped to below zero like they are now.
February 4, 2007
Not Joe Cool

Those two blogs are so dang close to me, just out of stone throwing distance, but they can relate to this photo....a 5th or 6th grader in my neighborhood has been waiting on the bus to bring him to school while CARRYING his winter jacket. Friday's temps when I took this photo was about 5 F degrees below zero. I'm not sure exactly where he lives, but he would look much cooler if he was wearing his coat instead of carrying it. He should take note that the other child IS wearing his coat because he is rather smart when it comes to how cold it is.
I'm thinking back when I was his age and can not recall doing something this dumb thank goodness.
February 3, 2007
What A Bird

February 1, 2007
Theme Day: What Annoys Me In My City
52 Daily Photo sites are participating in the February 1st theme "What really annoys me in my city", please use the links below to visit them. (Due to time zone differences and other factors, the theme photo may not be displayed until later if you are viewing early in the day.)
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I actually struggled with the February theme day as it takes a lot to annoy me and I wasn't going to participate. However, I learned a few things in the month of January and I'm rather annoyed, thus my photo of traffic. You see, back in 2003 the government finally started a bridge/highway reconstruction project. It was a very time consuming, a lot of money and a lot of work to get this problem area corrected. [I'll try to make this short] Part of the project was to replace the Wakota Bridge over the Mississippi River. It was 2 lanes in each direction. They would build one bridge, divert traffic to new bridge. Then build a second bridge and end up with FIVE lanes of traffic in each direction. Yes, the highway was a major traffic problem area.
Now the annoying part. They built the first bridge in what appeared to be the normal time frame. [keep in mind, this was a five year project] However, it sat there for a long time with nothing more completed on it. Months passed. I find out that there was a delay in the project. The claimed they had to "retro fit" new technology into the new bridge. Wow! That's exciting! That was the "feel good" term that was used to disguise that the bridge had developed, and I quote again "micro cracks". If cracks the size of your arm is considered "micro" then okay, they have a point.
They worked on the bridge for an extra year fixing the problems. More money spent. Instead of a five year project, it has now become a SIX year project. Fine, I can live with it for another year.
Wakota Bridge update....and I quote [and link]: "The Minnesota Department of Transportation announced today that the eastbound Wakota Bridge construction has been eliminated from the current contract. The decision came after months of negotiations failed to develop an agreement for construction of the remaining bridge. According to Khani Sahebjam, Mn/DOT’s Metro District Engineer, “Mn/DOT concluded that in fairness to Minnesota taxpayers and to fulfill our responsibility to manage construction costs, the eastbound Wakota Bridge construction would be reopened for competitive bidding.”"
Yes, they have opened the second bridge back up for bidders so they can complete the project. MORE DELAYS and will most likely push the completion date in to 2009. A SEVEN year construction project.
This annoys me very much now.
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I actually struggled with the February theme day as it takes a lot to annoy me and I wasn't going to participate. However, I learned a few things in the month of January and I'm rather annoyed, thus my photo of traffic. You see, back in 2003 the government finally started a bridge/highway reconstruction project. It was a very time consuming, a lot of money and a lot of work to get this problem area corrected. [I'll try to make this short] Part of the project was to replace the Wakota Bridge over the Mississippi River. It was 2 lanes in each direction. They would build one bridge, divert traffic to new bridge. Then build a second bridge and end up with FIVE lanes of traffic in each direction. Yes, the highway was a major traffic problem area.
Now the annoying part. They built the first bridge in what appeared to be the normal time frame. [keep in mind, this was a five year project] However, it sat there for a long time with nothing more completed on it. Months passed. I find out that there was a delay in the project. The claimed they had to "retro fit" new technology into the new bridge. Wow! That's exciting! That was the "feel good" term that was used to disguise that the bridge had developed, and I quote again "micro cracks". If cracks the size of your arm is considered "micro" then okay, they have a point.
They worked on the bridge for an extra year fixing the problems. More money spent. Instead of a five year project, it has now become a SIX year project. Fine, I can live with it for another year.
Wakota Bridge update....and I quote [and link]: "The Minnesota Department of Transportation announced today that the eastbound Wakota Bridge construction has been eliminated from the current contract. The decision came after months of negotiations failed to develop an agreement for construction of the remaining bridge. According to Khani Sahebjam, Mn/DOT’s Metro District Engineer, “Mn/DOT concluded that in fairness to Minnesota taxpayers and to fulfill our responsibility to manage construction costs, the eastbound Wakota Bridge construction would be reopened for competitive bidding.”"
Yes, they have opened the second bridge back up for bidders so they can complete the project. MORE DELAYS and will most likely push the completion date in to 2009. A SEVEN year construction project.
This annoys me very much now.
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