Now this is what I'm talking about. A snow storm that Minnesota is known for. One that keeps you 'I gotta be warm' folks away when you think that 60 degrees is cold. This is how we in Minnesota have a snow storm. Bare with me while I psyche myself up for the first REAL snow storm of the winter. I must say, the snow and the cold temps have been lacking here from what is normal. We did get a small amount of snow about three weeks ago, but the 40 degree temps melted that away very fast. This batch of snow I will finally get the shovel out and clear the drive way. This is very odd for January 15th to finally get the shovel out for the first time. We are having an easy winter so far, I am far from complaining.
The time of this photo was about 5 hours ago, it has not stopped snowing. If you can believe any of the weather forecasts these days claim anywhere from 4 to 10 inches of snow. I've lost all faith in the weather since they started over hyping something simple as a weather prediction to gain viewer ship. As I see it by looking out my window, we have about six inches of snow and more to fall during the early morning.
Congratulations and commiserations. Now get your shovel out.
I even had to enroll in an online course, "Remembering How To Shovel"!
I was jealous for about five seconds. he he he :) Happy shoveling!
impressionnante toujours les photos sous la neige. j'aime beaucoup les regarder, peut-ĂȘtre moins le vivre ;o)
impressive always photographs under snow. I like much to look at them, perhaps less the food; O)
5 seconds is enough for you to be jealous, I have the power position with the snow in full force!!
So tell me about this online snow shoveling course, I'm so out of shape for Minnesota winters!!
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