Yep, what you see is a 60 foot tall house made of Gingerbread. Chocolate bars, nut rolls, gumdrops, candy canes, frosting and a bit of wood for extra support. This gingerbread house is on display at the Mall Of America. They claim 4,250 pounds of gingerbread and 4,750 pounds of icing and it is a world record on the books. You were able to walk through the structure while making a donation to the Saint Therese Foundation if you like.
That's a lot of gingerbread!
madrid dailyphoto blog
Not posting but still lurking before I leave this coming Sunday. EEEKKK. I'm not ready! Glad you posted this picture since I am still boycotting MOA :>) Your 2007 calendar is a great idea!! Take care while I'm gone; hope to be able to post fairly soon from Maz.
c'est la maison de la sorciere Massepain, dans le conte de "Hansel et Gretel" (conte de Grimm). superbe
it is the house of the Massepain witch, in the tale of “Hansel and Gretel” (tale of Grimm). superb
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