Twenty-eight Daily Photo Bloggers around the world are posting a theme picture today of a self-portrait in your favorite place; select a number to visit another:
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My favorite place is on the bluffs looking out to the Mississippi River and downtown St Paul. When you are on the bluffs on the East Side of St Paul and there is a lightning storm rolling in, there is nothing like being there seeing so much sky with the river, the city, the sunset, the lights, the smells, plus the lightning show provided by mother nature.
For reference, I'm looking west and here is a photo to give you a better visual of what is reflected in my sunglasses:
Reference Photo Try and picture dark sky with lightning all around.
I actually drove through St Paul a few weeks ago during sunrise. Fog was coming off the river giving an amazing view. I can see why you like this area.
Hi, slinger!
that's one hard composition!
wonderful self-portrait Slinger! the colour of the sky and the reflection of the landscape. Brilliant!
how did you manage that one???
That is a very clever shot. Not only did you manage to stick to the theme day but you also managed to show us a view of your favorite place.
Aren't we lucky to have so many talented people in the DP family ?!
Excellent and creative!
Looks to me that you were falling in the river and don't want to admit that!:-)
nice reflection in the glasses, and i always love a pure blue sky!
or, as my eight year old daughter exclaimed, "now that's COOL!"
At first I did not like the photo until I noticed the reflection. Thanks for the reference photo.
Thanks for the feedback all. I tried to get the reflection to be more reflective, but that was the best I could get. I believe the distance of what was before me watered down the detail of what I was looking at. My test photos for the idea at home turned out outstanding, but the reflections were at close range.
How did I take the shot? I must have taken about 20 photos and hoped one would have the reflection I was looking for. This one was the best of the batch.
Great job - a success!
Very nicely done!
Hey Slinger! Your a cheat too...I can hardly see your face! Hehehe but otherwise this is a very beautiful photo :)
what a great view and creative idea for a self portrait!! =)
This is one of the beat ideas for a self portrait so far. I love the refelctions, and thanks for showing the picture of the view again... it's stunning!
a nice self portrait indeed :-)
Very clever idea, very well done, waaay cool! Loved it.
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