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This is my childhood supermarket growing up. It was once called Applebaums, has gone out of business and is now called RC Dicks. It is quite small in size, but enough to fill your fridge and oh the memories it brings back. It is located in West St Paul just off of Smith Avenue and Dodd Road.
I think in the UK, they would have changed their name ;-)
Even here in the states, that is pretty suprising that they kept that name. Kinda funny, though I am not sure I would want to shop there.
Shame they did not keep the name Applebaums. This would make a great photo on a non-theme day by cropping such that it just shows the blue sky, the red trim, and the signage.
i'm surprised Applebaums went out of business - isnt that a big retail chain? we dont have ther here but it sounds familiar - R.C. Dicks is an unusual name for a store hmm
R.C. Dick's? Why? I wonder sometimes what goes on in the minds of people who take over businesses.
Anton's there is some history. Unfortunately it is no longer there as Anton's. I took a photo of it, but it blured. So I'll have to return for a follow up photo, plus the hardware store down the street next to the laundromat.
My friends and I walked to Anton's or the 7-11 a block or two away all the time for treats.
Was Mullers the store next to Applebaums? I was trying to think of the name, but nothing comes to mind.
The 7-11 was on Annapolis. The Cherokee Bank, ahhh. My parents gave me a box of stuff they had saved for me when I was younger, in the box was my first savings account booklet from Cherokee Bank. It was an odd thing to save, but now that I have it, what memories I can recall from the deposit or withdrawl dates.
Ahhhhhh, memories... the first home my husband and I owned was on Annapolis. Dicks was so convenient. We moved just about 10 miles away, but I sure miss have a Dicks w/in walking distance... short lines.. everything I need. I could run and buy a tomato while the bacon was still frying... I miss that neighborhood! thanks for sharing!!
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