June 10, 2013

Grassy Trashy

Found these grass filled trash cans back in 2006 when this blog was only a couple months old. It's always been a favorite for some reason.

June 6, 2013

Flour Mill Decay

One from the Hastings Flour Mill. You may have to make the photo bigger to see it, but there are three metal stars in the photo. One on the right and two near the roof line. What is the purpose of these stars?

June 3, 2013

Spiral Bridge Mural

A great mural of the old Spiral Bridge in Hastings. I'm not sure of the purpose of the two trolls, or the feathers that appear to come from their backside, but bridge is quite the sight.

May 29, 2013

Old Commerce Build

The Commerce Building always stands out to me. It's probably because it's on the edge of downtown St Paul and is quite visible from the street.

May 20, 2013

Green Stripe

The crops are planted, the rows are aligned. This strip of green really stood out among the fields.

May 15, 2013


This light post is long forgotten and off the grid in the city of St Paul. It was however one of two light poles that anchored the street car tunnel that lead to Summit Avenue, which is also no longer used in the city.

May 13, 2013

A Personal Favorite

I posted this shot in 2012 shortly after returning from Clearwater Beach, Florida. It's strange for me, we are finally having warm weather in the Twin Cities, but I am wishing for scenery like this in person. Or secretly it's my personal birthday wish for myself today....Happy Birthday to me!!

May 9, 2013

Hot Dog Pig Races

Some things are better left as a mystery....

May 3, 2013

1st Bank Roof Top

From the rooftop of the 1st National Bank Building in St Paul. I found this wonderful shot from Dan Anderson on his flickr photostream and asked him if I could share his photo here. St Paul is my favorite city to photograph, I have never seen a shot from the rooftop before and absolutely love this photo.

Please visit Dan Anderson's flickr photostream for more amazing photography work. He has some great work posted. Thank you Dan for allowing the use of your photo!

"The First National Bank building was constructed in 1931 and at 417ft it was the tallest building in Saint Paul Minnesota for over 55 years. Although 3rd tallest today, it's still the most recognizable building in town because of it's cool art deco architecture and this big red neon '1st' sign on the roof. The '1st' sign is a local icon that can bee seen from 75 miles away at night and 20 miles away on a clear day. It has 3 sides, is 50ft or over four stories tall, made up of 4,000ft feet of neon tubing, and when it blinks 'on' everything round it glows red.

I’ve had a few questions about this . . . and sadly no, the First Bank roof is not open to the public."

Dan Anderson. (2011, July 06). St. Paul MN - 1st Bank Roof Sign, [digital image]. Flicker. Retrieved from http://www.flickr.com/photos/stonebridgedapper/5948476886/

May 2, 2013

Liberty Bell Replica

I've had this shot of this bell for a year now. I know it's a replica of the Liberty Bell, but that's all of the information I have of it. I haven't made it back to this spot to read the plaque.

April 29, 2013

Historic Hotel

The Saint Paul Hotel was built in 1910 by a local businessman, Lucius P. Ordway. He offered $1 million dollars for the community to match his contribution to build a major hotel in the city of St Paul. The New York firm of Reed and Stem, designers of New York's Grand Central terminal, created the hotel's grand facade and stylish interiors.

Online hotels deals booked.net

April 25, 2013

Wintery Delight

The snow plows went by, the ground was fairly warm, so it cleared off really fast. It was such a site to see.
The snow plows went by, the ground was fairly warm, so it cleared off really fast. It was such a site to see.

April 24, 2013

Yet Another Snow Storm

I was really making an effort to not post snow photos this season, but we've had so many snow storms and the scenic opportunities were plentiful. I couldn't pass them up. We are darn close to 17 inches of snow for the month of April. We lost power to my home last night and awoke to snow clung to all of the branches, wires, poles and anything that was outdoors was covered in white.

April 21, 2013

Even though it has officially been spring for one month now, we have yet to experience any spring like weather. We just picked up another 4-6 inches of snow. On the plus side, it is melting very fast with the strong rays of the sun. It's just been unusual not being able to do anything out in my yard.

April 17, 2013

Small Arch

One of the smaller arches of the historic Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis.

April 15, 2013

Watching the Jellies

A youth watches the Jellyfish at the Minnesota Sea Life aquarium at the Mall Of America.

April 12, 2013

Morning Commute

Just your typical day in April in the Twin Cities. Okay, no it isn't. Our average high temp is 54 degrees, however, winter isn't ready to leave us. So be it. I'm just glad the majority of my drive into work looks like this. Hello to all of you heading north on 35E into St Paul. Never mind that yellow on the GPS, we were just driving slower than normal.

April 8, 2013

Number Crunching

A fan prepares the lineup card before the Minnesota Twins versus Kansas City Royals game back in 2012.

April 5, 2013

April 3, 2013

On The Move

It's being reported that the Cottage View Drive-In sign, a local icon of the city of Cottage Grove, will be saved and moved to Hastings.

"The iconic Cottage View Drive-In marquee that has welcomed outdoor cinema-goers for nearly five decades will soon be en route to the Little Log House Pioneer Village in Hastings.

A late Monday afternoon deal was made between the city of Cottage Grove, drive-in owner Gerry Herringer, and local preservationist Steve Bauer, sealing the fate of the now-closed outdoor theater."

Little Log House Pioneer Village, which is the home of many lost treasures of the Twin Cities, opens it's land to the public one weekend per year to it's visitors.
Emily Buss. (2013, April 01). Cottage View Drive-In sign, screen headed to Hastings. South Washington County Bulletin. Retrieved from http://www.swcbulletin.com/event/article/id/22506/

March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday

Happy Easter to all who celebrate.

March 29, 2013

Spring Training

It's almost here, hopefully our weather warms above freezing temps for the first game this year.

March 26, 2013

The Road To Summer

I needed to see a summer sunset on my blog. We have a winter that's not going away, maybe this will help.

March 21, 2013

State Theater

This is one of my favorite marquees in the Twin Cities. The State Theatre opened in 1921 and was one of the more elaborate theatres for it's time. This is one of my favorite marquees in the Twin Cities. The State Theatre opened in 1921 and was one of the more elaborate theatres for it's time. It was restored and reopened in 1991. I've been inside only a few times and I must say, the insides are quite stunning. It is a thing of beauty and thank goodness they preserved this building as Minneapolis has a history of demolishing historic builds.

March 18, 2013

Pantages Theater

Built in 1916 and operated for quite some time, it was closed in 1984. The theater was renovated by the city of Minneapolis in 2002 and reopened. In 2005, the city transferred ownership of its theaters to the Hennepin Theatre Trust.

Final Four Bracket

March 14, 2013

Super Stars

More stars from First Avenue Nightclub.

March 11, 2013

Thank You

I'm unsure how much was donated, but there was a handshake with a thank you after the donation to the bucket.

March 7, 2013

City Scape

It's nothing complex, but it's very colorful and fun.

March 1, 2013

Music Stars

A close up of some of the musical acts that have played at First Avenue. Of all of the stars listed in the photo, I've seen three of the bands here at First Ave. It is one of my personal favorite places to see a concert in the Twin Cities.

February 27, 2013

Please Help

I was downtown Minneapolis when I took this photo. She didn't make eye contact with anyone and during my very short pass by, I saw no one stop to offer help.

February 25, 2013

Time For A Phone Call

I got a kick out of this boater taking a moment to answer an incoming phone call while out on the water. I got a kick out of this boater taking a moment to answer an incoming phone call while out on Lake Calhoun.

February 22, 2013

Snow Cover

Probably about the time you read this, if its the day of this posting, it should be snowing here in the Twin Cities. How much will we get is any bodies guess.

February 20, 2013

Skill Work

The brick layers did an awesome job here.

February 18, 2013

Just Around The Corner

I'm hearing the pitchers and catchers are reporting for duty, signaling the start of the 2013 baseball season. I'm hearing the pitchers and catchers are reporting for duty, signaling the start of the 2013 baseball season.

February 11, 2013

February 6, 2013

Center View

Center view of the Minnesota State Capital Building.

February 4, 2013

Zombie Corn

Attack Of The Zombie Corn!!! A very fun and colorful seed art display from the Minnesota State Fair 2012. It was one of my personal favorites this year.

January 30, 2013


I don't have any info on this artwork, but it is located on the Minnesota Capital grounds.

January 28, 2013

Fried Pickles

What a great logo and colors, plus the night shot gives the logo a dark backdrop.

January 24, 2013


The plaque on the statue reads

Made Captive Yet Deserving
Freedom More

January 22, 2013

Big Fat Bacon

Who doesn't love big fat bacon?

January 17, 2013

World Smallest Dedicated Park

Located at 991 Dodd Road in West St Paul, Albert Park has been listed in Ripley's Believe It Or Not as the worlds "smallest dedicated park in the USA". The park was dedicated in 1967, but I'm unsure of when Ripley's included it into their book. There is even an Albert Park Facebook Page that you can like.

UPDATE: An article about Albert Park

January 16, 2013

January 11, 2013

Snow Creation 2013

Last winter, swc submitted a photo of a puffer fish made of snow. He found it near his neighborhood that someone made in their front yard of their house. This year he returned and sure enough, they had created a snow walrus. I wonder how many years they have been doing this.

January 7, 2013

The Rides

It's a bit dark, but I like the streaks of light. Took this one at the Minnesota State Fair.

January 1, 2013

Theme Day: Photo Of The Year

In essence, this is my personal favorite photo I took during the 2012 calendar. The historic First Avenue nightclub in downtown Minneapolis was newly painted since the last time I photographed it a couple years ago. I was on my way back to my vehicle and loved this angle of the building. I'm not sure if this is considered the back of the building or the side, but I really liked having the skyscrapers as the backdrop. Such a contrast from the two level brick building with the all glass mega-structures.

Normally I have a link for you to view the other Theme Day participants, but it looks like there is no official theme day for January. Here is the link to the main website CityDailyPhoto.org. I'm sure others are posting their favorite photo of the year in some fashion.

UPDATE: One of the original CDP bloggers, Gerald of Hyde Daily Photo, has setup a Theme Day site for those who participated in the annual Favorite Photo Of The Year.