January 30, 2013


I don't have any info on this artwork, but it is located on the Minnesota Capital grounds.

January 28, 2013

Fried Pickles

What a great logo and colors, plus the night shot gives the logo a dark backdrop.

January 24, 2013


The plaque on the statue reads

Made Captive Yet Deserving
Freedom More

January 22, 2013

Big Fat Bacon

Who doesn't love big fat bacon?

January 17, 2013

World Smallest Dedicated Park

Located at 991 Dodd Road in West St Paul, Albert Park has been listed in Ripley's Believe It Or Not as the worlds "smallest dedicated park in the USA". The park was dedicated in 1967, but I'm unsure of when Ripley's included it into their book. There is even an Albert Park Facebook Page that you can like.

UPDATE: An article about Albert Park

January 16, 2013

January 11, 2013

Snow Creation 2013

Last winter, swc submitted a photo of a puffer fish made of snow. He found it near his neighborhood that someone made in their front yard of their house. This year he returned and sure enough, they had created a snow walrus. I wonder how many years they have been doing this.

January 7, 2013

The Rides

It's a bit dark, but I like the streaks of light. Took this one at the Minnesota State Fair.

January 1, 2013

Theme Day: Photo Of The Year

In essence, this is my personal favorite photo I took during the 2012 calendar. The historic First Avenue nightclub in downtown Minneapolis was newly painted since the last time I photographed it a couple years ago. I was on my way back to my vehicle and loved this angle of the building. I'm not sure if this is considered the back of the building or the side, but I really liked having the skyscrapers as the backdrop. Such a contrast from the two level brick building with the all glass mega-structures.

Normally I have a link for you to view the other Theme Day participants, but it looks like there is no official theme day for January. Here is the link to the main website CityDailyPhoto.org. I'm sure others are posting their favorite photo of the year in some fashion.

UPDATE: One of the original CDP bloggers, Gerald of Hyde Daily Photo, has setup a Theme Day site for those who participated in the annual Favorite Photo Of The Year.