December 24, 2012

December 20, 2012

Got Lights?

Found this house last Christmas and thought I would visit my photo vault for you all to enjoy. I have not driven by there this year to see if they put this many lights up again, or maybe they have added more?

December 17, 2012

Seed Arch Bridge

One of the more unique contest at the Minnesota State Fair is the seed art. You take any several types of seeds and you create a picture or replicate a famous scene. One of the more unique contest at the Minnesota State Fair is the seed art. You take any several types of seeds and you create a picture or replicate a famous scene. It's a simple concept, and the results are outstanding, some of them are remarkable. What I like about this one is, the Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis is a highly photographed bridged in the Twin Cities, but to see it created with crop seed was a photo I had to capture.

December 13, 2012

Monster Slide

From atop the monster slide at the Minnesota State Fair back in August, I captured this shot while making my way to the top. From atop the monster slide at the Minnesota State Fair back in August, I captured this shot while making my way to the top.

December 11, 2012

End Of Line

Closer view of the end of the Twin Cities Rapid Transit tunnel. Closer view of the end of the Twin Cities Rapid Transit tunnel.

December 6, 2012

Selby Avenue Trolley Tunnel

This tunnel was part of the Twin Cities Rapid Transit Company. There is a big controversy of the demise of the well established trolley in it's day, and apparently, according to the PBS show, this tunnel and the tracks are the only visible sign that there were train tracks for the trolley system. I first learned of the remains of the Trolley Tunnel from a PBS show called "The Lost Twin Cities" back in the 1990's. This tunnel was part of the Twin Cities Rapid Transit Company. There is a big controversy of the demise of the well established trolley in it's day, and apparently, according to the PBS show, this tunnel and the tracks are the only visible sign that there were train tracks for the trolley system. The rest of the tracks have been removed, buried under concrete or covered with black top.

I had wanted to visit this tunnel for quite sometime, but never made time to do it. Finally I made it this summer. They had built the tunnel because the grade on the hill was too steep for the trolley cars, so they lessened the grade to make it up the steep hill towards the Cathedral.


December 4, 2012

More Urban Decay

This wall is very close to the Saint Paul Cathedral. It is down the hill and is part of the remains of a very historic part of the Twin Cities.