December 31, 2011

New Years Eve

Be safe, be merry and welcome 2012....

December 27, 2011

More Christmas Lights

Another lights display from a photo I took in 2010.

December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011

From my house to yours, Merry Christmas.

December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

One of my favorite Christmas Tree displays in the Twin Cities, courtesy of 3M.

December 23, 2011

Waiting For Santa

Every year, my cat Ruby would lay by the Christmas tree lights and under the tree as well. He is missed this time of the year.

December 22, 2011

Christmas Lights Display

Took this one last year. You can tell by the amount of snow. Currently we have no snow, or what's left of a snow storm a few weeks ago.

December 20, 2011

Bulbs In The Sky

They have to measure about six feet wide and hanging from the ceiling at the Mall Of America.

December 19, 2011

Another From Rice Park

Bright lights everywhere inside the park.

December 18, 2011

December 14, 2011

The Griswold's Moved To Hastings

Little did you know that the Griswold's moved from Hollywood, to Hastings. Yes the Griswold family from the hit movie "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" have setup their Christmas light in full bloom. I've never seen so many lights on one single house before. I drove around the block, and yes, there are even lights on the backside of the home, just like the rest of the house, but I couldn't get a clear shot of it. The only place that doesn't have lights is the roof!

For the locals, you'll find this home on 3rd Street, about three four blocks from Highway 61.

I must give credit to JF and her friend Amy for the photo opportunity tip or I would have never found this place.

December 12, 2011

Shopping Time

The West hallway at the Mall Of America. The West hallway at the Mall Of America.

December 9, 2011

It's Snow Time Once Again

I'm unsure who invited it, but the snow has returned to the Twin Cities.

December 6, 2011

Lafayette Bridge View

Contribution photo today from swc. This was taken from the Lafayette Bridge in St Paul in the last summer/early fall time frame. Contribution photo today from swc. This was taken from the Lafayette Bridge in St Paul in the last summer/early fall time frame.

December 3, 2011

Popcorn Stand

While sitting at a stoplight in Stillwater, this popcorn stand caught my eye.

December 1, 2011

Theme Day: Action Shot

A simple action shot for the December theme day. At this age, the players are not allowed to move until the basketball hits the rim.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

November 29, 2011

Up The River

The northern view up the St Croix River in Taylors Falls.

November 26, 2011


An interesting bridge that gets a lot of travel from above and below. Below is a separate walking and bike path, plus a channel between two different lakes. Above is a four lane road and another walkway. Personally, I like the workman ship of the bridge, the keystone, the brickwork. Surely not a modern made bridge.

November 21, 2011


I believe this used to be an entrance to a hotel in Hastings, but today the building is being used as a beauty school. I believe this used to be an entrance to a hotel in Hastings, but today the building is being used as a beauty school.

November 17, 2011

Electric Bakery

After looking at what I've captured, I'm unsure if I like the Bakery sign or the electrical lines more.

November 15, 2011

Maple Leaves

Colorful reds from the Maple trees.

November 13, 2011

Rental Rates

Hourly charges for various activities on Lake Calhoun.

November 10, 2011

Hello There

I'd missed this contribution photo from swc from late summer. He had opened the front door of his house and spotted the bird sitting on the birdhouse.

November 7, 2011

Photo Extras - Flying T Ranch

If you stopped by during Theme Day, which occurs on the first day of every month, I had posted a photo of a very weathered gate with an attached fence. I mentioned I would post more photos of the area as it was quite a unique place. The ranch is located in Nevada and is on private land. We had stopped for lunch at the ranch during a tour of a gold mine.


November 3, 2011

Garvin Heights Vineyard

Paid a visit to Garvin Heights Vineyard a few weeks ago, it's located on the bluffs of Winona. We purchased a couple bottles of the local blend after trying a few samples of their product. Garvin Heights Vineyards

November 1, 2011

Theme Day: Fences

Greetings to all of the Theme Day participants that have clicked on my photo to see this very weathered fence. I found this fence in Nevada, on a ranch that not many have access too. It's a privately owned ranch of a large business. I was taking a tour of the facility. We had stopped for sandwiches in town before out tour and stopped at their ranch for lunch. I'll never visit this area again, so I snapped as many photos as my memory card would allow.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

My kids each carved their own pumpkins for the first time. This was their results from last year.

October 28, 2011

Rest Spot

He was taking a break of fighting the current behind the large boulder. What is he sitting in, I'm not sure what this is exactly. It's way too small to be a kayak, unless this is a mini version of it. He was taking a break of fighting the current behind the large boulder. What is he sitting in, I'm not sure what this is exactly. It's way too small to be a kayak, unless this is a mini version of it. Also, no....the water in Minnesota is not yellow. That is the sun's reflection on the rocks on the shoreline. It's very strange how yellow the water looks in the photo, but I don't recall it being that color when I took the photo.

October 26, 2011

Colorful River Banks

The fall colors are fading fast as the season changes into winter. I took this Autumn capture a couple of weeks ago in Taylors Falls. I would bet that the trees are looking very bare with very little leaves remaining on the branches. The fall colors are fading fast as the season changes into winter. I took this Autumn capture a couple of weeks ago in Taylors Falls. I would bet that the trees are looking very bare with very little leaves remaining on the branches.

October 24, 2011

Big Flower Pot

An interesting use for a nice, new, shinny garbage can.

October 21, 2011


There was this grouping of falcons, or at least I believe they are falcons. My zoom isn't the best at how far away they were. But anyway, this grouping as you can see there are quite a few. To the right of this flock, there is another grouping, probably double this size of the pictured birds. I'd never seen so many flying over head before.

October 19, 2011

Welcome To Minnesota

The welcome sign as you cross the St Croix River from Wisconsin into Taylors Falls.

October 17, 2011


All sizes, shapes and colors of canoes at Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis. All sizes, shapes and colors....

October 15, 2011

Upright Paddling

I've never seen anyone do this before, but these paddle boats can be rented on Lake Calhoun. I honestly believe it would be easier in a kayak or a canoe, but it must be enjoyable to want to do this. I've never seen anyone do this before, but these paddle boats can be rented on Lake Calhoun. I honestly believe it would be easier in a kayak or a canoe, but it must be enjoyable to want to do this.

October 10, 2011

Wrong Way

The is for two separate paths, biking and walking. The wrong way is for the bikers, you are only allowed to bike in one direction around the lake.

October 8, 2011

Tree Change

The leaves, they are a changing.

October 6, 2011

Nicely Painted

I wasn't sure if I liked the front of the rear better, so I'm posting both sides of the car. I do however like the painted black bumper, with a screw hold it in place. Plus the nicely painted patter over the rust along the wheel well. I true classic.
I wasn't sure if I liked the front of the rear better, so I'm posting both sides of the car. I do however like the painted black bumper, with a screw hold it in place. Plus the nicely painted patter over the rust along the wheel well. I true classic. I wasn't sure if I liked the front of the rear better, so I'm posting both sides of the car. I do however like the painted black bumper, with a screw hold it in place. Plus the nicely painted patter over the rust along the wheel well. I true classic.

October 4, 2011

Graffiti Template

I can't say that I've ever seen a template used in street graffiti before, until I spotted this one. I can't say that I've ever seen a template used in street graffiti before, until I spotted this one. Strange?

October 1, 2011

Theme Day: Mystery Object

Well, I'm not 100% sure what this is or used for, but I would guess it is for measuring how far the mountains have moved? This mystery object is located in Nevada on the Ruby Mountains. We saw it and figured it was some geological survey marker, but in all reality, I have no idea what it is. Well, I'm not 100% sure what this is or used for, but I would guess it is for measuring how far the mountains have moved? This mystery object is located in Nevada on the Ruby Mountains. We saw it and figured it was some geological survey marker, but in all reality, I have no idea what it is.

To see more mystery objects from around the world

September 29, 2011

Last Days Of Summer

I hope you were able to get out in Wednesday's weather treat. That very well could be the last nice day of the year. I hope you were able to get out in Wednesday's weather treat. That very well could be the last nice day of the year.