November 1, 2011

Theme Day: Fences

Greetings to all of the Theme Day participants that have clicked on my photo to see this very weathered fence. I found this fence in Nevada, on a ranch that not many have access too. It's a privately owned ranch of a large business. I was taking a tour of the facility. We had stopped for sandwiches in town before out tour and stopped at their ranch for lunch. I'll never visit this area again, so I snapped as many photos as my memory card would allow.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


  1. wonderfull fences with sea
    i like

  2. Lovely, I like rustic fences.

  3. Hi Steve! Always good to visit you, esp. when you have an unusual photo like this one! Have a happy week!

  4. What an unusual looking fence! Rather hodgepodgey. Are they really trying to keep anyone? Nice find.

  5. Great POV of a wonderful fence. The desert provides so much for us photographers.

  6. Wow! What a well-groomed fence (LOL). I really like it. Well done!

  7. Love the gate more than the fence

  8. I call this one -of-a-kind variety. Awesome catch and perfect for theme day.

  9. Love the comments. This ranch was such a great place to photograph. I'll post a few more from here as it was quite an interesting place.

    I am curious what this was used for or what it kept inside the fence.
