August 31, 2011

Tall Lilly's

This lily stands at 5 feet, 6 inches tall, which is a few inches shorter than I am. I've never seen one at this height before, so the size is surprising.

August 29, 2011

Fantasy Football

This past weekend was the 6th annual hosting of my fantasy football draft. Long time followers of Twin Cities Daily Photo may have seen a posting from the past years in 2010, 2009 or 2007. Good times and lots of great food.


August 21, 2011

Orange Flowers

We planted these flowers in our garden this spring and threw away the card that tells us what type they are. Can you identify these for me? We planted these flowers in our garden this spring and threw away the card that tells us what type they are. Can you identify these for me?

August 19, 2011

Stillwater Lift Bridge

The lift bridge in Stillwater, crossing the St Croix River, is in major need of replacement. It's quite the icon of a bridge, but it's days are coming to an end. The lift bridge in Stillwater, crossing the St Croix River, is in major need of replacement. It's quite the icon of a bridge, but it's days are coming to an end.

August 17, 2011

Paid A Visit

Found this orange and black butterfly resting comfortably on one of my garden flowers.

August 16, 2011

Orange Mushrooms

I found small orange mushrooms similar to this about a year ago while spending time at camp with my son. I went a made a visit to the same location last week and sure enough, there was another grouping of the inch high orange mushrooms. I found small orange mushrooms similar to this about a year ago while spending time at camp with my son. I went a made a visit to the same location last week and sure enough, there was another grouping of the inch high orange mushrooms. Honestly, I was very surprised to see them again. They were about three feet from last years grouping if I recall correctly.

August 5, 2011

Ghost Ads, Hastings

There is definitely an advertisement there on the wall, what it says is beyond what I can figure out. I cannot even make out a few letters, but there is something there....right?

August 3, 2011

Cottage View Drive In

From my archives, the neon sign of the Cottage View Drive In