June 20, 2011

Strawberry Fest 5K Race

It was a bit rainy for Cottage Grove's Strawberry Fest 5K race, those who participated definitely got wet during the race. I was among those who ran in the rain. It was my first ever 5K race, actually my first time running with a group of people. It was a bit of a challenge at first, but after the first mile was past me, everyone was spread out enough to run.



  1. Congrats. How was your time? I am sure you did well. I would run in the rain if that meant we got rain.

    I always hate the start of races, but after that I like having other runners around me, it pushes me to keep going.

  2. I believe my time was 30:22. The slower start was actually a good thing. I had rolled my ankle slightly 9 days prior and race day was my first time testing the ankle. Once I felt confident with the ankle, a mile into it, I ran my normal pace.

    I actually cannot wait for my next race. The competitiveness was awesome.
