June 30, 2011

Impressive Storm Front

While driving through Eagan last week, I was faced with these impressive storm clouds. I couldn't tell you which day it was exactly because I believe we had rain every day last week.

June 28, 2011

Old Hastings Bridge

If you look closely as they are somewhat hidden, you'll see two crains near the right side of the bridge. Those are currently being used for construction of a new bridge. The one pictured is in dire need of replacement, thankfully they are working on the first of two bridge that will replace this one.

June 27, 2011

NHL Draft Minnesota 2011

Friday and Saturday at the Xcel Energy Center, the NHL draft took place in the Twin Cities. Friday and Saturday at the Xcel Energy Center, the NHL draft took place in the Twin Cities. Having never been to a player draft of any kind, I can check this off my list of things I have done and probably wont do again. It was a bit dull, dragged on, yet it was interesting to watch it from the stadium seeing all of the behind the scenes action. To sum up how everything was set up, you can see the stage where the players were introduced. The floor is where all thirty teams had their own table. On the opposite end from the stage were rows of table set up for the press and bloggers. Finally, on the sides of the stage were the players and families waiting for their names to be called.

I will say, the highlight of being there at the draft is listening to the crowd. Every team had at least two fans in attendance. There was playful banter back and forth, boos, cheers, laughter.

Friday and Saturday at the Xcel Energy Center, the NHL draft took place in the Twin Cities. Friday and Saturday at the Xcel Energy Center, the NHL draft took place in the Twin Cities. Friday and Saturday at the Xcel Energy Center, the NHL draft took place in the Twin Cities.

June 24, 2011

Bow Ties Are Cool

My kids saw this word graffiti and wanted me to take a photo of it. It's a strange message if you ask me.

June 23, 2011

The Shark Walls

I've often thought these two walls resemble the fins of two sharks passing by each other in the ocean. Do you see it? I've often thought these two walls resemble the fins of two sharks passing by each other in the ocean. Do you see it?

What these walls are there for, I believe are to block headlights at night. You see, to the right of where I am standing is a roundabout. So as cars are coming around the bend, it seams like the headlights would shine into the traffic. Perhaps I am wrong, but I don't see any other reason why these walls would have been put in place. Street art?

June 21, 2011

How To Remove A Puddle

With all of the rain we had that morning, your going to get a collection of puddles. Unfortunately, this very large puddle formed just after the finish line of the race. Yesterday I posted on the Cottage Grove Strawberry Fest 5K race. Today's unusual photo is a contribution photo from swc and it also comes from the 5K race. With all of the rain we had that morning, your going to get a collection of puddles. Unfortunately, this very large puddle formed just after the finish line of the race. So, the event organizers brought over a machines that I've seen used during the winter months to remove snow from the sidewalks. It's a big spinning brush, but from this new activity, it's quite the multipurpose machine. It certainly got a lot of looks from us all.

June 20, 2011

Strawberry Fest 5K Race

It was a bit rainy for Cottage Grove's Strawberry Fest 5K race, those who participated definitely got wet during the race. I was among those who ran in the rain. It was my first ever 5K race, actually my first time running with a group of people. It was a bit of a challenge at first, but after the first mile was past me, everyone was spread out enough to run.


June 17, 2011

June 16, 2011

The WE Logo

I've always enjoyed graphic arts, logos, drawings in my lifetime. The first time I saw this Werner Electric logo it caught my eye. Bold colors, simplistic, it all works. I've always enjoyed graphic arts, logos, drawings in my lifetime. The first time I saw this Werner Electric logo it caught my eye. Bold colors, simplistic, it all works. From the street, it's about 150-200 feet away, which is probably why it's so large. I needed to get nice and close for this shot as my zoom isn't so great from that distance.

June 15, 2011

Cottage Grove Strawberry Fest

In my city of Cottage Grove, each year we hold the Strawberry Festival. It's a four day event that the city puts on with all kinds of things to do. There is a parade of course, plus a carnival, car show, live entertainment and fireworks In my city of Cottage Grove, each year we hold the Strawberry Festival. It's a four day event that the city puts on with all kinds of things to do. There is a parade of course, carnival, car show, live entertainment and fireworks. They do a great job of bringing the community together each year to kick off summer. They estimate 15,000 to 20,000 people will visit the festival.

Cottage Grove Strawberry Fest

June 13, 2011

Heavy Use

This telephone pole has seen quite a bit of action in it's day. This pole is just down the road from where I live. Now what you may not know about my city is, you are not allowed to post signs to telephone poles. The city ordinance reads your allowed to stake a sign, like a garage sale sign, into the ground. The telephone poles are off limits. So to see this much left over nails and staples on this telephone pole is an eye opener.

June 10, 2011

Rusty Gate

My question about this rusty tail gate is, why is the left side much more rusted out than the right? My question about this rusty tail gate is, why is the left side much more rusted out than the right?

June 8, 2011

102 Degrees In The Twin Cities

It was a hot one here today, 102 degrees. After months of below normal temps, we've topped 100 degrees. In fact, the last time we went over 100 degrees was in 2006, before that 1995. It was a hot one here today, 102 degrees. After months of below normal temps, we've topped 100 degrees. In fact, the last time we went over 100 degrees was in 2006, before that 1995. In the last 26 years, it has only hit the 100 degree mark three times! In 1988 however, we hit 100+ degrees four times. So it is a rare thing for us to see temps this high....I'm recalling all of the people who were complaining about the cold winter months, do you think they are complaining about the heat now?

June 7, 2011

Cheapo Records

One of my favorite places growing up, back before CD's really flooded the stores shelves, one could purchase used albums from Cheapo Records. One of my favorite places growing up, back before CD's really flooded the stores shelves, one could purchase used albums from Cheapo Records. They have several stores in the Twin Cities, the one in the photo is off of Snelling Avenue in St Paul.

June 6, 2011

Street Car Mural

A mural on the side of one of the buildings that runs along Grand Avenue in St Paul. A mural on the side of one of the buildings that runs along Grand Avenue in St Paul.

June 2, 2011

The Red Balloon Bookshop

Grand Avenue is home to many unique business in the Twin Cities. The Red Balloon Bookshop is one of them. Grand Avenue is home to many unique business in the Twin Cities. The Red Balloon Bookshop is one of them. My wife brought my kids, when they were quite young here for story telling time.

June 1, 2011

Theme Day: Under Construction

This construction project has been completed, but it's a local construction project of my very own restroom. We wanted to remove the plastic painted, fake tile with water damaged linoleum flooring and replace it with tile on the walls and floor.

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