January 1, 2011

Theme Day: Photo Of The Year 2010

Welcome City Daily Photo Theme Day followers. Thanks for stopping by to view my favorite photo of the year. The photo I selected was taken during the summer on a very hot and humid day. I was outside doing something and heading back into my house when I spotted this, at the time, unidentified bug. I ran into the house, grabbed my camera and prayed the bug would still be there when I returned. Thankfully he was right where I left him. It turns out, this bug is a adolescent kadydid. I took about a dozen macro shots to get the one that I really liked.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants in the 2010 Photo Of The Year.


  1. Happy New Year's Day to you! Have a great day with family and friends. You have selected a very unique and colorful photo for theme day!

  2. Great choice and nice reminder that summer will come again. Happy New Year!

  3. Very jealous of this shot!

  4. Great theme day photo! At Portland Oregon Daily Photo my theme day post is up, too!

  5. That is an awesome shot! I love the colors. I hadn't heard of that bug before, that I can remember anyway, but you captured a great picture of it. Happy New Year to you.
