December 31, 2010

Into The Park

The view into Rice Park, located in downtown St Paul.

December 30, 2010

Change In Seasons

I'm going to jump back a couple months to the beginning of the colorful fall weather. One of my dislikes about taking photos of snow is, the photos all tend to appear black and white, when the intent is a color photo.

December 28, 2010

Frosty Trees

I awoke yesterday morning to a great winter treat. During the middle of the night, a thick frost or fog rolled into my area and frosted the smaller tree branches. I awoke yesterday morning to a great winter treat. During the middle of the night, a thick frost or fog rolled into my area and frosted the smaller tree branches, giving them a "fuzzy" look. It was quite a sight to see. I didn't snap as many photos as I would have liked as I was on my way into work. Lucky for me I took the photos when I did, as I made my way closer to work, the sun broke through the clouds and the frost disappeared.

December 23, 2010


If you look closely at this photo, on the left side of the hallway, above the store entrance is the Apple logo. The logo above the store on the right side of the hallway belongs to Microsoft. If you look closely at this photo, on the left side of the hallway, above the store entrance is the Apple logo. This store has all of the latest ipod's, iphone's, mac books and everything else related to Apples product line. During the first week in November of 2010, right across the hallway, the competition moved in. The logo above the store on the right side of the hallway belongs to Microsoft. They of course have their xbox, Windows Phone, Zune's, and the rest of their product line. I do have to hand it to Microsoft for moving into Apple's neighborhood. I wonder if they were offered a house warming gift?

December 22, 2010

Anything Will Help

I see there is a cup of McDonald's coffee sitting next to the guy with the sign. Would you stop or donate to this gentleman? Or have you ever donated to someone holding a sign?

December 20, 2010

Open Water

This contribution photo shows a robin who stayed behind for the winter months in Minnesota. This contribution photo shows a robin who stayed behind for the winter months in Minnesota. Unfortunately, this robin was here for the blizzard weather we received last weekend. The photo shows a heated bird bath outside the home of SWC, which the robin, I believe was enjoying, despite the frigged weather.

December 18, 2010

Even The Birds

Even the birds have to deal with the snow in the Twin Cities.

December 16, 2010

The Road To Nowhere

The road was freshing paved, and freshly was so smooth to drive on.

December 15, 2010

The Blizzard Takes A Seat

From my comment section from yesterday's photo, St Paul blogger, Kate [welcome back], mentioned my sitting bench with a delicate snow pattern was definitely not from our recent blizzard that made the national news. She was absolutely correct stating if it was from the blizzard, the bench would have been covered. Here is the proof!

December 14, 2010

Snow Fun

This photo is from two weekends ago that I'm just now getting too. I really got a laugh out of the bench, the way the snow piled up on the looked very delicate.

December 13, 2010

The Big Plow

Now this is what I need to clear my driveway of snow. It would be much faster than my current method. This plow drove by my window, just as I was taking photos of the snow falling. Yep, it does look like he is on his cell phone....haha!

December 12, 2010

Welcome To Minnesota

You think you're tough? Come to Minnesota and enjoy one of our typical winters....12-16 inches of snow with sub-zero temps for tomorrow....yee-haw!!

December 10, 2010

Christmas Shopping

Today's photo features the nicely aligned shopping carts of the Target stores. Only two weeks remain, have you even started your shopping yet? Tell me you've at least started, right?

Today's contribution photo comes from Keri K. It features the nicely aligned shopping carts of the Target stores.

December 8, 2010

Down By The Water

Another one of my favorite homes that I saw while on Prior Lake this past summer. Another one of my favorite homes that I saw while on Prior Lake this past summer.

December 7, 2010

Start Of The Day

I really enjoy the morning, especially when I have time to take a great photo of the sunrise. I really enjoy the morning, especially when I have time to take a great photo of the sunrise.

December 6, 2010

No, This Is Not Prince's House

The purple home can be found on Prior Lake and is quite the eye catcher. I wish you could see this home in person, the photo doesn't do it justice as there is so much to look at. The purple home can be found on Prior Lake and is quite the eye catcher. I wish you could see this home in person, the photo doesn't do it justice as there is so much to look at.

December 4, 2010

Changed Hands

This business has changed hands since I last visited the building. It's been 25 plus years at least. From my childhood days, this was the laundromat that my mother and I went too when our home machine was broken?. I remember playing with the laundry carts that were there for use. Plus I remember opening and closing all of the unused machines. What it is today, looks like a picture frame shop, but I didn't get much closer than this photo.

December 1, 2010

Theme Day: Time

Happy December theme day. Can't we all use a little more time in our day?

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

November 30, 2010


The weather has turned into the cold winter months, so we wont be seeing these kind of scenes around here until late spring.

November 29, 2010

Mill City Museum

If you're in Minneapolis, and looking for a place to tour, be sure to visit the Mill City Museum. There is a great history to the flour mills that lined the Mississippi River in Minnesota over the years. The Mill Tour is a must visit.

November 23, 2010

November 22, 2010


The original mechanics from the Hastings Flour Mill on the Vermillion River.

November 17, 2010

Sauk Rapids Water Tower

The water tower in the city of Sauk Rapids. The water tower in the city of Sauk Rapids. It's quite a colorful tower, isn't it?

November 16, 2010

Two Big Boats

The large boat on the left is the River Boat Grill restaurant, while the boat on the right is the Covington Inn, a bed and breakfast. The large boat on the left is the River Boat Grill restaurant, while the boat on the right is the Covington Inn, a bed and breakfast.

November 15, 2010

The Sea Of People

A crowd gathers in Harriot Island over the summer waiting on an event to start.

November 14, 2010

Waiting On A Train

Vikings fans waiting for the Light Rail outside the Mall Of America Field after the Vikings football game.

November 11, 2010

Princess Kay Butter Sculptures

One of the unusual attractions at the Minnesota State Fair are the butter sculptures. Each princess will have her likeness sculpted in a 90 pound block of real butter. One of the unusual attractions at the Minnesota State Fair are the butter sculptures. There are about a dozen princess selected from various cities from the state. Each princess will have her likeness sculpted in a 90 pound block of real butter. Each sculpture takes six to eight hours to complete with the princess sitting inside the glass booth, which is kept at a temperature of 40F degrees. Once the fair is over, each princess Kay finalist takes her sculpture home.

November 10, 2010

Carbones On Smith

When I lived in this neighborhood, it was the place we called for pizza. Carbones on Smith was how they answered the phone, they delivered. While Carbones is gone from this location, there are a number of stores throughout the Twin Cities that thrive today. I'm not sure what the name of the store is today, though it looks like it sells household goods. I'm not sure if it's new or used goods, perhaps both. However, when I lived in this neighborhood, it was the place we called for pizza. "Carbones on Smith" was how they answered the phone, they delivered. While Carbones is gone from this location, there are a number of stores throughout the Twin Cities that thrive today.

November 8, 2010

95th Anniversary

On November 7, 1915, the Marjorie McNeely Conservatory opened it's doors, 95 years later, it's still the major draw to the Como Park Zoo. On November 7, 1915, the Marjorie McNeely Conservatory opened it's doors, 95 years later, it's still the major draw to the Como Park Zoo. The conservatory displays five seasonal flowers shows annually in addition to the permanent botanical collections of palms, ferns, economic plants, orchids, bromeliads and select tropical plant species.

November 6, 2010

Hanging Around

I took this photo on September 19 while walking on 7th Street in St Paul. I revisit the area on October 30th and all of the plants are now gone. Which makes sense as winter is around the corner....sigh

November 4, 2010

Outdoor Seating

My wife and I love to visit the Eagle Street Grill on 7th Street and Wabasha in St Paul. It always seams like we visit there in the colder months and have never sat in their outdoor seating. If you've never stopped here before or are looking for a new place, I highly recommend it. My wife and I love to visit the Eagle Street Grill on 7th Street and Wabasha in St Paul. It always seams like we visit there in the colder months and have never sat in their outdoor seating. If you've never stopped here before or are looking for a new place, I highly recommend it.

November 2, 2010

Please Vote Today

It's voting day, time to get to the polls and do your civic duty. Do you know where your polling place is?

Find your polling place in Minnesota

November 1, 2010

October 30, 2010

Water Tower Elk River

I need to get me a ton of wood pellets for $225 a ton! The crossroads in Elk River. And please, wait for the train....

October 29, 2010

Enter Here

Above the entrance ramp to the Science Museum parking ramp.

October 28, 2010


This is another section of the District Energy power plant in downtown St Paul. I couldn't explain to you what all of this does, but I will just call it the meat and potatoes of the operation. This is another section of the District Energy power plant in downtown St Paul. I couldn't explain to you what all of this does, but I will just call it the meat and potatoes of the operation.

October 27, 2010

Wood Silo

This silo is a storage bin that holds up to 1000 pounds of wood chips. Which is the amount the District Energy plant burns in one day. The clean energy power plant is used to create electricity, heating, and cooling for the St Paul downtown and nearby areas. This silo is a storage bin that holds up to 1000 pounds of wood chips. Which is the amount the District Energy plant burns in one day. The clean energy power plant is used to create electricity, heating, and cooling for the St Paul downtown and nearby areas. In the past, I've referred to this power plant as the 'smoke factory'.

October 26, 2010

Picture Windows

Directly in front of me is the Minnesota Science Museum. Directly above me, is what you see in the photo. Directly in front of me is the Minnesota Science Museum. Directly above me, is what you see in the photo.

October 24, 2010

Sufin' USA

These two guys on top of the van, were up on the roof of the vehicle for nearly two hours while I was tailgating for the Vikings versus Cowboys football game. Whomever you two are, thank you for the photo opportunity. Go Vikes! These two guys on top of the van, were up on the roof of the vehicle for nearly two hours while I was tailgating for the Vikings versus Cowboys football game. Whomever you two are, thank you for the photo opportunity. Go Vikes!

October 22, 2010

Pregame Tailgate

Before each Vikings games, as I'm sure happens in every city hosting a football game, there are several designated tailgate lots. In these lots they allow everyone to grill, drink beverages and party before the game starts. The designated lots also provide port-a-potties and a barrel to dump your hot coals into. There is an extra cost to park in these lots, $55 dollars to be exact. Quite steep if you ask me, but a couple blocks away, in lots that do not allow tailgating, you'll pay $20-25 for parking.

October 21, 2010

A Story To Tell

I didn't take the time to listen to his story, I probably wouldn't have care too much for it, but I did like the photo opportunity. Throw the One Way sign and the guy leaning up against the post into the frame and it really adds to the story, eh? I didn't take the time to listen to his story, I probably wouldn't have care too much for it, but I did like the photo opportunity. Throw the One Way sign and the guy leaning up against the post into the frame and it really adds to the story, eh?

October 19, 2010

A Clever Design

I really like this cleverly painted building. It's located near the Metrodome, but the bold color choice, plus a domestic feel makes it a great building sized art piece. I really like this cleverly painted building. It's located near the Metrodome, but the bold color choice, plus a domestic feel makes it a great building sized art piece.