December 10, 2010

Christmas Shopping

Today's photo features the nicely aligned shopping carts of the Target stores. Only two weeks remain, have you even started your shopping yet? Tell me you've at least started, right?

Today's contribution photo comes from Keri K. It features the nicely aligned shopping carts of the Target stores.


  1. Christmas is getting closer, and I have NOT done any shopping but I have a good excise. PS. Check Leif's Eagan post for this Sat. for a surprise!!

  2. My family and I were talking about going out Saturday night for more shopping, but with these blizzard conditions....I don't see it happening.

  3. Steve - maybe a few of us should rendez vous after the New Year!
    Merry Christmas to you and yours

    PS - This photo reminds me of a photo I took at Target for my blog once. The store manager had to come up from the back of the store for use approval!

  4. I'm certainly open to the idea. I should have my driveway cleared of snow by years end too!
