September 8, 2010

The Big Green Caterpillar

This big green caterpillar will morph into a big brown moth. The bright green is surprising, not to mention the size of the big green bug. This big green caterpillar will morph into a big brown moth. The bright green is surprising, not to mention the size of the big green bug. With camera in hand, swc was able to capture this contribution photo. I've found a site that shows what this caterpillar will turn into for those interested in more of the story.


  1. Wow. Is it snappish? How was the feeling to hold this caterpillar in your hand?

  2. That is one huge green caterpillar! You couldn't see miss seeing that thing.

  3. Neighbor kids found one of those in my yard today. Put it in a dish they were also collecting toadlets in and it tried to devour the toads hence they sentenced it to death by human foot on the street. Eeeeewwwww!!!! What a mess!
