August 31, 2010

Carnival Lights

The magic of lights in motion out in the Midway at the Minnesota State Fair. I believe the ride is called 'Cliff Hanger'. You lay on a metal frame, similar to superman flying . The magic of lights in motion out in the Midway at the Minnesota State Fair. I believe the ride is called 'Cliff Hanger'. You lay on a metal frame, similar to superman flying .


  1. AWESOME photo! I can't wait to get to the State Fair this weekend!

  2. Love the spinning colors! I'm assuming you used a tripod for this, were you hassled by fair officials for using a tripod?

  3. I was carrying a tripod, one of the smaller bendable type that fit in my pocket, but, I did not use a tripod, I used the park bench conveniently sitting there for my camera.
