July 22, 2010

Say Hello To Mr. Creepy

These insects look rather nasty to me. They are called an earwig and looks like something out of a Hollywood creep show movie. Earwigs are generally nocturnal while hiding in dark moist areas in the day. These insects look rather nasty to me. They are called an earwig and looks like something out of a Hollywood creep show movie. Earwigs are generally nocturnal while hiding in dark moist areas in the day. To me, they're simply creepy!


  1. Isn't that the mind control bug from "Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan" that crawls into Chekov's ear?

  2. great shot of this!

  3. I don't believe I've ever seen it this close and in detail (probably because I'd squish them)! They also like to hide under the tree barks, esp. on logs... yuck...
