June 1, 2010

Theme Day: Funny Signs

Funny Signs is the June theme day in the City Daily Photo community. Last month I photographed a tax cut rally on the steps of the Minnesota State Capital building. There was plenty of signs to choose from depending on your point of view. The photo I selected was very clever. Now if your not familiar with United State politics, it may not be as humorous and the joke behind it may not make any sense.

During the 2008 presidential campaigns, Tina Fey from Saturday Night Live was doing a skit impersonation of Sarah Palin. During the skit, one of her lines was 'I can see Russia from my house'. That one line from the skit received a lot of air play during the campaigns. Any way, fast forward to the tax cut rally. With the upcoming elections this November, the Republican candidates appear like they are gaining momentum as we come closer to election day. I found this sign, out of all of the signs there at the rally, as my favorite....that was a long story wasn't it?

Hopefully someone finds humor in my 'funny sign' photo. Be sure to visit the other participants showing their funny sign photos, hopefully with a short story to go along with it. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


  1. Yes, I love the spoof of Palin!

  2. Excellent, totally surreal, love it!

  3. He has good eye sight hmm... November is quite a long time.

    My Inspiration
    My Bangkok Through My Eyes

  4. Out here in the west comedians do routines about the abundance of mis-spellings in Tea Party rally signs. You found one with perfect spelling and a sense of humor.
