March 31, 2010

Red Light

Hanging warning lights for a railroad crossing. They almost look like they are lit up, but I believe it's due to the suns reflection, which was near sunset. If you look at the reflection, you can see the sun and how close to the horizon it is.

March 30, 2010

Twin Cities Flood 2010

There still is quite a bit of water flowing down the Mississippi River during the floods of 2010. Some parts in this area, the water spilled over the banks as they had to close Sheppard Road down, which is located directly across the river. It took me a few days to get down here, and I certainly didn't make it to the Mississippi River at the peak of the flooding. But there still is quite a bit of water flowing down stream. Some parts in this area, the water spilled over the banks as they had to close Sheppard Road down, which is located directly across the river. The island, about half way out, is partly under water stlll, you can tell by the trees submerged into the river.

March 27, 2010

March 25, 2010

Long View

View of the Saint Paul Cathedral, taken from the West Side bluffs.

March 23, 2010

Census 2010

Macro shot of the US Census 2010 letterhead. Just received my official United States Census 2010 form at the end of last week. Thankfully, I recieved a letter the previous week from the Census Bureau. When I opened the letter, it read that I was going to receive a letter from the Census Bureau. Interesting....they sent a letter to inform me that I'm going to receive a letter. So I need to send them a letter to inform them that I'm going to mail their form back to them?

March 21, 2010

Stay Behind

Elko Speedway on a rainy afternoon

March 19, 2010

Show Your Support

Red support beams around the newly renamed Mall Of America Field Red support beams around the newly renamed Mall Of America Field. Previously called the Humbert H. Humphrey Metrodome until 2009.

March 17, 2010


One of the broadcasting towers along highway 694 near Shoreview.

March 14, 2010

The Great Puddle

A melting snow bank in my driveway made for a unique photo opportunity.

March 10, 2010


A rare view of empty seats in the Excel Energy Center arena.

March 8, 2010

Forgotten Flowers

What's interesting about this photo is the time of the year this photo was taken, right at the end of February, after some of the winter's snow has melted away. A survivor from the 2009 growing season has stood tall and is waiting for spring to arrive. For how much snow gets dumped on the plant during the snowy months, for it to be in this good of condition was a surprise.

March 7, 2010

The Big Arch

The west arch on the Robert Street Bridge.

March 5, 2010

Outdoor Hallway

Above me is the southbound traffic of Highway 61, just ahead is the northbound lanes. If you look closely, you can see a vehicle parked in a lot. The lot leads to a walking path that eventually leads to Battle Creek Park.

March 3, 2010

The Life Of The Snow Village

This snow village was spotted by cmc and photographed by swc over the past week. I'm surprised by all of the props the snowmen have or are wearing to some degree. Though, we've made it into March and the sun's rays are starting to warm. The past two days and the next few should melt away all of the hard work that went into this snow village

March 1, 2010

Theme Day: Passageway

March Theme Day: Passageway

What you're looking at is a path in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area between two lakes. I cannot recall what lakes we were portaging on at the time of this photo, possibly it was Adventure Lake or Jitterbug Lake. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants