January 31, 2010

One Big Crane

Nope, this photo was not taken in the Twin Cities. I just had to post this photo of my brother-in-law, John, who works at the Barrick Goldstrike mine out in Nevada. The trucks are massive as you can see. He's loading a bucket into a 320 ton truck. Then it's off to be processed looking for gold.



  1. This is like a slice of home here in the Twin Cities. I grew up in Elko, NV, & my dad worked for Barrick for 15 years or something. When I graduated high school in 1999, I spent a summer working at Barrick myself. I thought it was pretty cool, and I was pretty pumped to work at the same place my dad did. It was awesome for about a week or so, then I learned that the day they hired 18-year-old me was the very same day they laid my dad off. So that kind of blew.

    But it was a fun place to spend a summer!!

  2. Wow, that is one monster crane!
    I'm impressed, with or without the gold!
