September 1, 2009

Theme Day: Big

Hello all to all of the City Daily Photo viewers from around the world. I'm glad you stopped by on theme day: Big. Big, quite a vague term depending on your size. Big can take on several different meanings to you or I, with the variety of theme interpretations I've seen so far, I'm spot on.

To see additional theme day photos around the world, stop by the portal page for a convenient thumbnail view of all participants. As the time zone changes each hour, more photos will be added.


  1. Oh a great shot and idea for Theme Day. But where is Alice?

  2. Heehee. And I said on my post that size is relative — you've just proven it!

  3. Nice take on theme day. Love the view.

  4. Great photo and... big idea!

  5. Slinger, Clever to make a BIG photo from something small!

    Today is a BIG day for me because it is my third anniversary with Daily Photo; come visit!!

  6. You are right, the interpretations is part of what makes theme day so enjoyable.

  7. Great photo. He looks like a fun guy!

  8. a good way of interpreting this month's theme.
