August 10, 2009

Young Grasshopper

A photo of a green cadydid in my garden over the weekend resting on my orange lily's. Spotted this green cadydid in my garden over the weekend resting on my orange lily's.


  1. excellent macro. I love macro photos. they take a lot of patience. Your other photos are superb also. I look forward to more great visits as you have a nice website. I wanted to thank you for your comment on my site about the solar eclipse photos. Also, If you like travel photos, we just put together a travel photos site at We have India photos posted and will put up new travel photos each Sunday. I strive for the people photos.

  2. Stunning macro, but more a bug portrait on a wonderful background!

  3. What a wonderful macro! The colors, focus... just WOW. It also scares the hell out of me, because bugs and I don't mix and match...
