August 20, 2009

Panoramic Of Duluth

Today's contribution photo comes from swc from Duluth, Minnesota. It's okay to count Duluth as a suburb of the Twin Cities right? It's only 150 miles away....

The photo is made up of 6 separate photos stitched together using software. It turned out fabulous I must say. I'm uploading the full sized photo, 4 Megs in size and a pixel size of 12264x2072. I wanted the full sized photo so you can see all that is in this photo. One thing to note, on the far right of the photo is a thunderstorm out on Lake Superior. I didn't catch it at first, so you'll have to see the full size photo to see it.

1 comment:

  1. Impressive image, I never tried stitching and this is perfect.
