August 19, 2009

Favre In Vikings Land

I'm on the fence and unsure what to think about Favre in Viking me out....


  1. Didn't his father play for the dreaded Pack?

  2. Slinger, c'mon! The guy is too old! He's going to be 40 in October; it's all about revenge!! As a rabid Packer-backer, I am disappointed with him. I've always liked him because of his love of the game, but he's become a prima donna. At his age it's about time that he starts thinking of his future without football, and at $6M guaranteed with $12M if he does well this year, his future looks pretty secure!!

  3. I gotta agree....being a QB in the NFL at the age of 40 is downright scary to put your season on the line for, plus his rotator cuff issue. I will admit, being a Viking homer, I found myself rooting for the Packers in the SuperBowl [and a few playoff games]. Favre's been a winner in the past and I would be all over welcoming him to the Vikings if he was a few years younger.

    Players change teams all of the time, that's all this really is, just another player changing teams. It's the nature of the NFL.

    If it works out, it will be great for Minnesota, but I'm still not on board with this route the coaches have taken.

    Ultimately, the real winners are the owners. They have no worries of black outs this season, 3000 new season tickets have been sold. Media frenzy, lots of hype for the coming year. The team needs to sell tickets and they found the answer.

    We shall see....
