August 31, 2009

The Spotlight

Motorhead guitarist, Phil Campbell. This capture is also from the Motorhead show at First Avenue this past Friday during Phil's guitar solo. The single spotlight, from behind stage was a great touch.

Vita.MN Motorhead Photo Gallery

August 30, 2009


Motorhead performed at First Avenue on August 28, 2009. I managed to capture a few semi-decent photos from the show. You were only allowed to bring in point and shoot cameras into the show. Motorhead performed at First Avenue on August 28, 2009. I managed to capture a few semi-decent photos from the show. You were only allowed to bring in point and shoot cameras into the show. Oddly enough, I drank a couple of pints across the street at a local pub, there was a couple of guys in there with English accents, I thought it was more of an Irish accent at the time. If I would have put two and two together, I would have realized those accents were real and they were roadies from behind the scenes of the Motorhead concert. It was an enjoyable show and as advertised, they put on the loudest show around.

Vita.MN Motorhead Photo Gallery

August 28, 2009

Cottage Grove Football

Football season is just starting up. Today's photo is from the Cottage Grove Football Pee Wee division. It is for the boys heading into 5th and 6th grade. This scrimmage between the purple and blue teams was held this week. It's the final scrimmage before the first real game takes place on Saturday morning. Football season is just starting up. Today's photo is from the Cottage Grove Football Pee Wee division. It is for the boys heading into 5th and 6th grade. This scrimmage between the purple and blue teams was held this week. It's the final scrimmage before the first real game takes place on Saturday morning. In case you are wondering, my son is on the Purple Panthers team.

August 27, 2009

Quite The Sunset Tonight

What an amazing color the sky was tonight. I was at my son's football scrimmage for about two hours, with the sunset during the evening. Thankfully I had a clearing to get a photo or two of it. What an amazing color the sky was tonight. I was at my son's football scrimmage for about two hours, with the sunset during the evening. Thankfully I had a clearing to get a photo or two of it. This photo, aside from cropping, is not color tweaked from a graphic program.

August 26, 2009

Garden Flowers

Flowers from the garden of swc, thank you for the contribution.

August 25, 2009

Caution Livestock At Work

One of the many signs that can be found on the Minnesota State Fair Grounds in St Paul. One of the many signs that can be found on the Minnesota State Fair Grounds. The State Fair starts this week on Thursday, August 27 and runs through Labor Day, Monday September 7. Attendance throughout the fair typically runs around 1.7 Million visitors per year. Photo contribution by swc.

August 24, 2009

Looking Up

Down along the Mississippi River in St Paul, an abandon grain house. Down along the Mississippi River, an abandon grain house.

August 22, 2009

To Ward Off Evil Spirits

Found this strange, not sure what it is exactly, perhaps it's lawn art, lawn art, or even as a warning to keep people out. Found this strange....not sure what it is exactly, perhaps it's lawn art, lawn art, or even as a warning to keep people out. Whatever it was, I found it unique enough for today's photo.

August 20, 2009

Panoramic Of Duluth

Today's contribution photo comes from swc from Duluth, Minnesota. It's okay to count Duluth as a suburb of the Twin Cities right? It's only 150 miles away....

The photo is made up of 6 separate photos stitched together using software. It turned out fabulous I must say. I'm uploading the full sized photo, 4 Megs in size and a pixel size of 12264x2072. I wanted the full sized photo so you can see all that is in this photo. One thing to note, on the far right of the photo is a thunderstorm out on Lake Superior. I didn't catch it at first, so you'll have to see the full size photo to see it.

August 19, 2009

Favre In Vikings Land

I'm on the fence and unsure what to think about Favre in Viking me out....

August 18, 2009

Vulcan Krewe

The Saint Paul Vulcan Krewe is a tradition of the St Paul Winter Carnival held each year. The king of the Vulcans is King Boreas Vulcanus Rex and dates back to 1886. The Vulcans are prominent at many events in the Twin Cities and surrounding areas held through out the year, up to 400 events per year. I typically see them at parades where they leave their trademark black grease "V" on the parade onlookers. In the past, the Vulcans would mark the parade viewers with a "V" on their faces. Many people would flee during their walk through the streets but the brave would stand proudly and get the marking from the Krewe.


August 15, 2009

On The Hill

The St Paul Cathedral, high on the hill.

August 13, 2009


It's a temporary entrance, but a rather unique snaking tunnel into the emergency entrance of St Joseph's Hospital. It's a temporary entrance, but a rather unique snaking tunnel into the emergency entrance of St Joseph's Hospital.

August 12, 2009

Thank You Wade Olson

A sign welcoming home a soldier from the war. Spotted this welcome home sign in South St Paul the other day. It put a smile on my face that a family would welcome home their loved one in this unique way. They were certainly proud of their father/son/husband for serving his country. We at say thank you and welcome back!

August 10, 2009

Young Grasshopper

A photo of a green cadydid in my garden over the weekend resting on my orange lily's. Spotted this green cadydid in my garden over the weekend resting on my orange lily's.

August 9, 2009

Wild Weather

The Twin Cities has seen some substantial thunderstorms roll through this area the past couple of nights. A combination of humid weather from the Gulf combined with a cool front from the north have made for a couple of interesting evenings. Friday evening, I had minor power outages, to the point where I powered my computer off line for the evening. Saturday night, I didn't see any rain around my part of town, but 20 miles north of me say a nasty storm pass through with reports of tornado touchdowns and 65+ miles per hour winds. Sunday we'll get the reports of any storm damage that occurred.

August 6, 2009

Lines And Angles

This reflection caught my eye. It is located in just north of downtown Minneapolis, along Interstate 35W.

August 5, 2009

Hawk Moth

This contribution photo from swc of a Hawk Moth taken in his flower garden in New Brighton. The wings of this moth are clear, it sips nectar from flowers and the wings beet extremely fast. Not surprisingly, it's also been called a hummingbird moth. Now to me, it looks similar to a crawdad, but with wings. Getting a clear photo was a bit difficult with the moth buzzing around as fast as it was.

Another recent photo of the Hawk Moth can be found on Abe's Brookview Daily Photo site. Abe's photo was viewed by swc and to his surprise, he found one a couple days later, otherwise, we would be guessing what kind of moth this was.

August 4, 2009

Looking Through The Bars

This decorative fencing, which separates the east bound traffic from the west gives a unique view of south bound 7th Street. The decorative fencing, which separates the east bound traffic from the west gives a unique view of south bound 7th Street. I took this one while I was stopped for a red light on 7th Street and Wabasha in downtown St Paul. The fencing also doubles as crowd control while people in the Xcel Energy Center leave the building. The fencing forces those walking to their vehicles to cross at the street corners.

August 3, 2009

Rain Or Smoke

Driving home in late July, I noticed this very large flume of white smoke trailing up to the sky off in the distance. Now I knew it couldn't be smoke, it was too large of an area. Perhaps I caught a photo of the sky falling and those are clouds trickling down to earth. From where I took this photo it was mostly sunny, with the sun behind me, but across the Mississippi River and into Wisconsin, it was rainy weather. I figure the suns rays were at the right angle to brighten up the raindrops to give it the appearance of smoke or the clouds falling.

August 2, 2009


Smack dab in the middle of downtown St Paul is this artwork sculpture by Ron Fisher.

August 1, 2009

Theme Day: Night

Hello all you Daily Photo viewers from around the world. I'm glad you stopped by on theme day, one of my personal favorite theme days we've had. I will be stopping by your blog later to see your 'night' photo first hand.

The photo I've selected for theme day comes from my garage as I look out between my two parked vehicles in my driveway. On this particular evening, there was a fantastic lightning show on display. I was in the process of snapping several outstanding lightning shots when the rains poured from the sky. When I say poor, I really should be saying buckets of rain were falling. I retreated to the quickest dry location I could get too, my garage. Since I was still setup for photo taking with my tripod, I decided to take a few more shots from the safety of my garage. Honestly, I was just experimenting with some techniques, but when I looked at the photos on my computer monitor, I really liked what I saw from these shots. It has become one of my most commented on photo on here and off of the blog. I had to repost it once more for today's theme day photo.

To see additional theme day photos around the world, stop by the portal page for a convenient thumbnail view of all participants. As the time zone changes each hour, more photos will be added.