April 1, 2009

Theme Day: Yellow

Now I'm posting today's photo very late in the day as there is less than two hours until the clock strikes midnight. However, the first of the month is 'Theme Day' in the 'City Daily Photo' community. I couldn't pass up the theme of the color yellow.

The photo I've selected is of one of the very popular Fresh French Fry stands that can be found at the Minnesota State Fair held in late August each year. It runs for two weeks, with the final day being the Labor Day holiday. As for the fry stand, most Minnesotan's who attend the fair will visit this stand year after year. They start with whole potato's, push them through a cutting system and in the vat of grease they go to cook for about three minutes. Once they are cooked, sprinkle on some salt and into a various sized cups for serving. Now you usually have to let them cool for a minute or two as they are VERY hot coming out of 450 degree bath of cooking oil.

Now I must pay respect to those who work the booth each year. The two week long fair runs during our hottest month of the year. The cooking fryers are very hot, combine that with the outside air temps and it makes for a very uncomfortable place to be in. They serve the french fries and make all of us paying customers happy while they are hot beyond belief.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants in today's Theme Day


  1. Man, that's yellow!!! I sure can't imagine working inside there in August. Must be around 100 degress with humidity to match ... uncomfortable for sure. Sounds like cruel and unusual punishment to work here ... even if for only two weeks. The late day sun surely enhances the ambiance of this place. Happy theme day!
