April 22, 2009

Morgan's Foods On The West Side

From the West Side neighborhood in St Paul, Morgan's Foods has been here for quite some time, 20 years or so. From the West Side neighborhood in St Paul, Morgan's Foods has been here for quite some time, 20 years or so. Though, as I'm looking at the photo, I honestly do not know if the business is still operational. The outside of the building has always been this shade of blue, and looks like it has been maintained well. I believe I've also had a good friend of mine work here in the past.

UPDATE: I've had a verbal confirmation, Morgan's Foods has been closed for a good five years or more. With that information known, I'm surprised to see the sign and building in such good condition.


  1. What a strange combination.

  2. The combination came about organically. When I was growing up the West Side was home to a great number of Lebanese families (mine included). As the demographics of the neighborhood changed the owners of Morgan's made the wise move to become not just a Lebanese deli, but a Mexican deli too. I'm still sad they went out of business.
