February 1, 2009

Theme Day: Paths And Passages

The first day of the month, myself and fellow daily photo bloggers select a theme ahead of time, we prepare a photo for the theme day and we all post our theme photo where we can then see how each photo blogger choose to interpret the theme. For the month of February, "Paths and Passages" was the selected theme. My photo was taken in the City of Cottage Grove at Hamlet Park along a straight stretch of a walking path. It had snowed about six to eight inches of snow overnight and into the morning, but by the late afternoon, it had warmed above the freezing temperature and the snow began to melt away.

Stop by the other Daily Photo Blogs participating in the 'paths and passages' theme to see how they interpreted the theme at the theme day photo portal.


  1. Today's photograph and yesterday's are both perfect for today's theme. This path goes on forever - beautifully bordered by the trees. Fabulous depth to the photograph.

  2. It looks so cold. Nice choice for theme day.

  3. Brrrrr! A nice long cold walk - it is a beautiful scene.

  4. It's a beautiful snowy path. I like the color of the trees and really want to touch the snow. It must be so cold...

  5. A typical winter scene. And I like it.
