January 13, 2009

Iced Over Water Fall

The Vermillion River water falls in Hastings Minnesota during the winter months are often found frozen in ice. As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I made my first winter time visit to the Vermillion Falls in Hastings. Today I am posting the lower portion of the falls where there is an observation platform to view the falls from a couple of different vantage points. Here is the same view from the fall of 2006 with out any ice. The difference between the two seasons is massive. If you look closely at the frozen waters, you can clearly see open waters in the bottom right corner. Water is currently flowing over the falls, though you really need a semi clear patch of ice to see the movement of the falling water.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! the difference is massive. I like the comparisons. Nice (cold) job!
