September 9, 2008

Don't Tase Me, Bro!

A protest sign from the RNC 2008 in St Paul that reads: don't tase me bro! One of my favorite protest signs I found in Rice Park during the RNC 2008 was this one a well dress gentleman was holding up. There was a different message on the front of the sign that he had on display for the MSNBC crowd, but the back of the sign had this classic phrase, "Don't Taze Me, Bro!"

For those of you unfamiliar with this phrase, it is taken from a video that was shot during a John Kerry question and answer session on September 17, 2007 at the University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. 21 year old, Andrew Meyer spoke these words as he was removed by campus police after, well, you'll have to watch the video for yourself to see why he was removed....


  1. I've seen this video. Its wild. Could you email me and tell me how to put a video on my site? I tried twice, and couldnt do it, it was uploading frame-by-frame I think, and went on for an hour before I gave up!

  2. When you are on the website, the video that you'd like to post on your blog, there is an option on the right hand column that reads "Embed", there is text that you copy and paste into your blog post.

    That's all I've done with this one in today's post.
