August 29, 2008

To Go Or Not To Go

The protesters will be running rampant in St Paul starting September 1, 2008 at the Republican National Convention Monday in St Paul, there is going to be a protest march were they are expecting 50,000 people. This is unbelievable to me. Mind you, I will not be protesting, I only want photos for this daily photo site. But my thoughts are....where are all of these people going to be staying for the next week or so? Those are the protesters, 50,000 people, we not even counting the real reason for next week when the Republican National Convention gets underway. How many people will be involved with just that? What an economic boom for the Twin Cities areas.

So keep in mind, tropical storm Gustav [as of 11:00 PM Thursday] and currently located over Jamaica [hang in there Jamaica] could make landfall sometime during next weeks RNC. So there is talk of delaying the convention a couple of days to make sure we have everything in order where ever the potential hurricane makes landfall. What does that do to all of these protesters plans? I would imagine many are flying into the Twin Cities just for the RNC and have a schedule time to leave, but if the convention is delayed, will the protesters just go away?

Also keep in mind, people have been arested/detained for taking photos before the convention has even started. Fox 9 News Report


  1. The photo video of the controversy is amazing. I hadn't read or seen anything about it. Certainly is not "Minnesota Nice."!! Now, should this little old lady in tennis shoes wander around downtown looking for photo ops??

  2. There are too many stories of similar flavor with "authorities" abusing citizen rights. Good luck should you decide to visit the convention.

  3. Typical actions by the protesting party. Good luck during the convention when the small minded people throw urine around. I only hope the authorities take them out. Although it's their right, I detest protesters. They would be better served if they actually worked for a living.
