July 25, 2008

Train To Nowhere

The train was moving around 35 mph, I was waiting for it to pass, about 15 feet from it. It took me a few shots, but I worked on my pan and shoot technique the other day to kill the time.


  1. Good to see you are on the right track!

  2. First, my apologies for a bit of cut and paste commenting. I have been doing the rounds via Bloglines and looking at all the pictures from my favourite photo blogs, but haven’t been leaving comments. Generally, I try to comment as much as I can (I know how good it is for ‘morale’ to know that someone is out there appreciating them), but after the birth of my second son, I am a bit knackered to think up something witty and insightful on the hop. Thus the resort to Control+C and Control+P!

    Kris from Hobart, Tasmania.

  3. Well done; it's great when you achieve something you've been practicing.
    Let’s make beautiful music together at
    Sydney Daily Photo

  4. Looks great; hate to get under those wheels!
