My son walked into the house and started yelling for me, "Dad Dad" he said, "You should grab your camera because there is a cool looking cloud to take a photo of". Hearing him say that gave me a surprised and curious look to my face. I certainly had to take a look at what he was talking about. So I grabbed the camera and we headed out side. He walked over to the our drive way and sure enough, the view in today's photo was the photo opportunity he was talking about. He then said, "I bet if you put this photo on your web site it will get lots of comments". I handed him the camera so he could take the photo for today. I must admit, the way the passing thunderstorm cloud looked as the sun was setting and framed between the neighborhood trees, it was a great vision at only the age of 9.
My sons only question now is, how many comments will his photo bring?
Slinger, Your son has a good eye! It's a beautiful photo! Thanks for your recent visit and kind words. Will come back often!
Good Eye. Somebody buy that kid a camera!
Great photo! I gave my 8 year old son a digital camera and he loves to shoot and the results are always very interesting.
I love sunset photos. Cheers from West Sacramento Photo of the Day.
From a fellow Dad ...
Great shot ... good eye ... next thing he'll be wanting his own camera. Fortunately now with digital it pretty much is just up front costs compared to the 'old' days of film :-)
Time for his own camera ... and web site!!
Beautiful cloud photo. A shot like that only comes along once in awhile. Good thing you had your son's eye to spot such a sight.
Nice cloud. We like to play the 'what does the cloud look like' game.
I can see a flying pig in your cloud.
Keep shooting.
Nice job on this photo, I call them Cauliflower clouds, that is what they remind me of.
Great shot, little man! Looks like you guys are having awesome summer weather! Wish we could say the same here in Florida!
Amy in Sunny FL
whoa! good eye!
looks very Maxfield Parrish
Now this is surely a ploy for comments! HAHA. Good job, Slinger's son. You captured a cloud I also saw but never took a picture of. Good job!
Keep up the good thing of tellin your daddy about good shots :)
This is such a marvellous image of the cloud erupting.
Fantastic photo. Some in your family needs to buy you a great camera.
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