July 12, 2008

After The Storm....Part Two

Continuing on from yesterday's storm photos....as I mentioned, I was taking photos while everyone was cleaning up the fallen branches. There was a very large sewer back up around one of our loading dock areas. It made for a very easy photo opportunity and is easily my favorite photo from this set. Once the bulk of branches was cleared, since we had no power and were waiting for Xcel energy to get us back on the power grid, we had no choice but to kill time by throwing the football in our parking lot. One of my co-workers, during his college days, played for the University Of Minnesota. He easily could throw the football the furthest from everyone who participated.

According to the local weather, a small tornado had touched down in the area somewhere, but did only minor damage. 65 mile per hour winds were achieved during the touchdown. Considering how much tree damage I saw, we were luck to only have debris in our parking lot and one tree knocked down. It certainly could have been much worse.


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