June 22, 2008

Good Night BWCA

One final shot from Ima Lake in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, taken from our base camp on the camp sight before you enter Alworth Lake. We say good night to the BWCA photos, or at least for a while. One final shot from Ima Lake in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, taken from our base camp on the camp sight before you enter Alworth Lake.


  1. I do visit and I do comment and I was here. I did look at your picture(s) and I did read what you wrote about them. I could say how great you are and how beautiful your work is but alas I would soon run out of things to say on the next blog I visited, so I just left this to prove I stopped and said a few words on Sunday. Stunning image.

    My Rheumatoid Arthritis hurts so I am using the same message for all.

  2. As before just to beautiful for words. The intensity of the blue is stunning.
