An audience of over 550 gathered at the Mall of America in Bloomington to watch the 2008 Northern Star Council Pinewood Derby. The event—which is the largest Pinewood Derby in the country—was held on Saturday, May 31 and Sunday, June 2.
Saturday’s race featured 212 of the fastest cars representing over 38,000 Tiger, Cub and Webelos Scouts that were eligible to compete this year. All of Saturday’s racers won at both the Pack and District levels. This was the 12th Council-wide Pinewood Derby, since it was first organized in 1997.
This was my son's first time making it to the State Pinewood Derby race. We finished 67th in contest. 67th out of over 38,000 cars state wide, I'm very happy with the results. It was quite the experience for my son making it that far, plus Grandpa and myself who helped out with making the derby car.