My first entry on ShortArmGuy in October 2007 and his journey to the Miami Ink tattoo Parlor.
Here is the email I received from him once he found out the news:
"It's Official!! I received a call from Adam with Miami Ink on Friday. He said my episode will be on in 2 weeks on Thursday, May 8th. So set your DVR's now to watch it! Miami Ink is on Thursday nights on TLC at 9PM Central Standard Time. If you haven't read about my Miami Ink Experience yet, check out the link here. It's been 6 months since I taped the episode, so I don't really remember much about what I said. All I know is that I had cameras on me for about 5 hours and I was being pretty chatty. Please keep in mind that If I come off as a schmuck, it's all in the editing. If I come off as cool, then that's exactly the way I am in real life!"

Saikat from BlogsJam here.
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Cool tat, but dang that must have hurt.
Hi to Todd! My husband(greg) worked briefly with him and the NT gang when we moved to MN last spring. We had to come back to FL due to the housing market, boy do we miss the Mineesota Nice! But definitely not the MN Ice! :) Anyway, Todd is a kind & very funny guy, hope you don't mind the shout out on your blog!:) thanks for reminding me of his blog, too!
You are good like that, I always remember cool things looking @ your posts. Thanks for that!
Thanks Amy, I'll make sure Todd sees your message and hello to Greg.
Awesome, you rock! Hope you are feeling better!
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