April 21, 2008

Not Sure Which Is Worse

This sign I found along the walking trail, we have vandals spray painting, a good sized dent, a missing bolt, one very sun aged sign, plus we have the apparent "danger trains" warning it is giving us. It's a sign with a lot of character.

My Daily Photo Favorites: Terrell, Texas | Seattle, Washington | Springfield, Illinois [****HUMOR ALERT****]

Interesting Links Of the Day:
Macro Photography - It's the little things that count
Looking Around You Pays Off
Make Money With Your Camera


  1. The only thing missing is a bullet hole.

  2. I'd agree that the sign has a lot of character. I have yet to see a sign in Northern Minnesota (Bemidji) that doesn't have bullet holes piercing through the sign. The spray painting...ugh... I am noticing more and more of it around our area (near a large outlet mall). We have a nice walking trail that backs up to some beautiful homes, the vandals even spray painted the back sides of the homes.
