April 5, 2008

It's A Madhouse

Driving during a blizard Now I'm sure you've always wondered, unless you're from the Twin Cities, what it's like to drive through a snow storm....Wonder no longer. I risked myself, with plenty of distance between the car in front of me, to take this action shot of a snow storm just for you warm climate people. Remember, I'm a professional snow storm driver....do not try this at home.

My Daily Photo Favorites: Rabaul, Papua New Guinea | Stouffville, Canada | Virginia Beach, Verginia

Interesting Links Of the Day:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. All this snow is frightening, .
    In Marseille where I live, last days were sunny.
    Have a good weekend

  3. Oops! A snow storm. The photo is lovely and from your photo, I can make out how risky it is to drive in such weather conditions.
    You are surely a great driver.

  4. My goodness, that's a great shot! I'm shivering just watching it. Thanks for risking like and limb to get it - sure does show it how it is with you. Roll on Spring.

  5. Wow! Just amazing photo! Really you are very courageous!

  6. Now THAT's a scene I don't miss AT ALL about Minnesota. Scary... Do you have a bag of cat litter and those silver blankets?

  7. Hey, great shot! I, too, take shots out my car window, but this onw was surely risky! Thanks for braving it, I think you captured exactly what it feels like to drive in a snowstorm.
