April 11, 2008

Guess Who's Back? Back Again....

Another winter snow storm hits the Twin Cities area. Winters back, winters back, winters back....weeeeeeee! There's another movie sequel in the Twin Cities titled "Winter Strikes Back". The winter season around here in the Twin Cities has officially been renamed "The winter that wouldn't go away".

Yes, that's right, it's nearly mid April, snow is falling once again. We've had just about everything imaginable today: wind, rain, hail, ice pellets, snow, sleet, thunder, lightning. There was times where you could see rain, ice, snow, sleet all falling at once...it's been an amazing day for weather. Now here is the best part about our weather, let me get the latest high temperature forecast for the next week:

Friday: 34
Saturday: 39
Sunday: 50
Monday: 65
Tuesday: 70
Wedensday: 68
Thursday: 72

Yes, from snow to 70 degrees in a matter of days. Ya gotta love this winter, eh Minnesotans?

My Daily Photo Favorites: Lake Forest Park, Washington | Greenville, South Carolina | Memphis, Tennessee | Villigen, Switzerland | Selma, North Carolina |


  1. It would be nice if the 70s came on the weekend, but I guess you cant be picky.

  2. Yes, thats sure how our weather is...it'll do what it always does. Skips right over Spring and launches into 70's and 80's. Fine by me this year. But enough of the snow already. That has to be the last storm! Check my blog photo-I mean that was only 2 days ago!!

  3. Well, I'm back, too, but none-too-happy about the weather this year! Don't gotta love nothin' about the season. Hurry and warm up. Come to my blog and see the Corpse Plant. Going to the Conservatory helps just a little bit!!

  4. It was just last weekend that I finished trimming my trees and shared gin and tonics (emphasize the plurality here) on the deck. The first one of the season, basking in the sun's warmth. Now back to this.

  5. Scratch my earlier comment, snow and 30 degrees is hockey weather and at your team tied it up tonight. Good job.

  6. woooooo!!!!!! Another Over Time contest and this time we were the victors!!!!

    Very true, this is hockey weather and our slogan is 'the state of hockey'. By rights, we should be having this wintry weather....hahaha
