No Yard Work - Working in the yard is not an option. I cannot mow the lawn, water flowers, pull weeds, working on landscaping projects, trim the trees, rake leaves, and many more. It just can't be done. The frozen ground plus a lack of seeing the ground while it is covered in a layer of snow prevents this fabulous chore.
Fireplace - Only in the cold winter months do I light up my fireplace. We have a wood burning fireplace that keeps the family room oh so warm and toasty on the frigid and blustery winter nights. While the summer heat is enjoyable to me, staying warm via the fireplace is a delight in itself.
Family Time - In this fast paced world we live in, the cold weather forces us to stay indoors more this time of the year and enjoy each others company. Playing board games, watching a movie, getting to know each other.
Snow Days - Who doesn't enjoy calling in to work because the snow and/or ice is making it impossible to get yourself to work. I enjoyed them as a child, I still enjoy them as an adult.
Winter Beauty - While taking photos in the winter can be quite a challenge, you can also get some outstanding captures that can only be taking this time of the year. Not dressing warm enough is the major factor. The winter elements can give you one of those outstanding photos to an area that you're familiar with, yet it looks entirely different in a winter scene.
Great picture, I love these kinds of shots.
Love the shots from the previous two days. and this is fabulous. You have the best of both worlds. I don't believe I could cope with the cold anymore but I do see winter has it's joys. tucked up in front of a fire with a good book is one of them.
So many lights ... Your litany of what you like about Winter is very true ... thankfully most of us have four seasons. In some paradise locations the temperature fluctuates very little. Personally I think I would eventually grow tired of paradise.
Nevermind the season, there are lovely things like this to take photos of anyway...and spring is just around the corner...=)
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