What you are looking at is the State Capital building of Minnesota take from the walkway to the front side of the building. I felt it was a fitting photo for the theme day as it is often said that St Paul is the Capital City of Minnesota.
There are many more cities participating in today's theme day photo. Please stop by their photo sites and say hello. Let them know that Slinger from Twin Cities Daily Photo sent you. Do give everyone around the world a chance for their timezones differences to see all of the city photos.

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That imagery you painted in your comment on mine boggles my mind!
I've commented on Kate's St Paul blog saying for me, like most others, if not for her sterling effort most of us would just think "Minneapolis".
And on Minneapolis, well (despite having been there and knowing better - including a trip to the Guthrie theatre) it's forever Mary Tyler Morre, the hat in the air, and a certain theme tune ;-)
And snow.
Beautiful shot!
This is a beautiful photo, Slinger. I so agree with Sally - your neck of the woods now has a completely different and beautiful face to it.
You are cordially invited to return to Sydney for a reconsideration of the Opera House and its place in people's thoughts!
hooray st. paul, which is not minneapolis!
nice shot.
Slinger, you chose an icon for St. Paul and photographed it beautifully! Happy theme day!
Very nice night shot!
One of the nicest photos I've seen today. Lovely choice for the theme.
Have a nice theme day. :)
Soooo pretty!
Wonderful photo!
Goregous photo Slinger! This is truly a St. Paul sight, and was once a favorite of mine to photograph. Once again, your night photo is wonderful.
Great shot. This was the capitol building I learned to photograph first! I cannot find any of those photographs now though. Brought back a lot of memories. great shot!
You photographed this so beautifully! Happy Theme Day from Maui, Hawaii.
creativity be damned, this is one stunning photo. i wish i could capture night photos as well as this. Stunning.
An excellent choice, you chose well to dipict the Capitol of the state where nearly nothing is allowed.
Thats a great picture, love the night shot.
Brrr! Love your snow sculpture photos and appreciate seeing them ... from the comfort of my office. Thanks for showing me how cool they are!
i really like your choice- the building looks so majestic against the dark sky...
I think you did an excellent job for theme day, slinger. I can't even imagine trouncing about in temperatures like that much less getting such a great photo in that kind of weather!
You know, I shall have to start looking out for some street side goats and cows. There haven't been many recently, come to think of it. I think they have started to clean up the streets of the city and country.
What a fabulous shot! I love the night shot!
Hi Slinger! what a great image. I've never been to your city but would certainly like to someday!
Guelph Daily Photo, My Photos.
Nice photo!
What a captivating night photo of a stunning building. bravo! Love it!
That is such a beautiful photo. Really nice colours.
A Pinay In England
The Goddess In You
Norwich Daily Photo
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