February 24, 2008

I'm Ready For Spring

Reading the comments from yesterday's photo, J. Andrew Lockhart from Van Buren, Arkansas said it best "Oh, I'm ready for spring!!". Honestly, I couldn't have said it better myself. On a positive note, today temperatures was 32 F degrees! The sun was shining and I found myself and my father agreeing that today was a warm day out. Which makes me laugh when 32 degrees above zero is considered a "warm" day. Keep in mind, we've had temperatures around -15F degrees. That's 47 degrees warmer this afternoon than -15F from a few weeks ago. Sadly, spring is still a couple months away....

My Daily Photo Favorites: Susanville, California | Nashville, Tennessee | Riga, Latvia | Barton, Vermont | Portland, Oregon | Sharon, Connecticut | Joplin, Missouri | Katonah, New York | Guelph, Canada


  1. Yeah, I'll bet you are! Looks like you're gonna get a bit more winter though. My condolences. Hang in there. Spring will come ... eventually. -:)

  2. We had 12 yesterday for a time here and everything was coated with ice and there is a lot of snow under the ice. I had my window open for a while as I was brushing off the window sill. So this is rush out to the bird feeder weather wearing PJs crunching through the ice and snow in house slippers. Nuts? Yes. But is happens.

  3. I can only imagine how ready you are for not only spring, but summer as well!

  4. Spring is just around the corner for us. I will be sure and share photos ... In your photo today what I found appealing were the single set of tire tracks.

  5. I commiserate. We haven't had the temperatures in Boston you've had, but I'm ready for some warmer, more Spring like weather too.

  6. I am definitely ready for spring, too. . . .Sorry to complain about our "snow" why you are suffering under a couple of blankets of the white stuff.

  7. Lost my first post; just want to agree that the Midwest has had a tough winter. Agree with Denton that the tire tracks add lots of interest to the photo.
